In this repo, we are lanuch ec2 instance using native boto3.
- Ensure you install the latest version of python and requests package.
pip install paramiko
- We need IAM user access key and secert key to run this script. Please refer AWS documents to create the same.
Clone the repo, it has prepackaged boto3,botocore,jmespath and dateutil.
Execute the below command which will create the ec2 instance at the particular aws region and install the ruby application.
./ -k XXXXXXXX -s XXXXX --aws_region ap-south-1 -t t2.micro -i ami-0d773a3b7bb2bb1c1 -n SampleApplication
- The script contains two classes
aws_ec2 -> Which will create the key pair, security group which opens 22 and 80 port, and launch the instance in the respective region. install_application -> Which will connect to respective instance and execute the commands sudo apt update sudo apt -y install ruby-bundler git clone cd simple-sinatra-app/ ; bundle install" cd simple-sinatra-app/ ; sudo bundle exec rackup --host -p80 > application.log 2>&1 &
- Ease of changing the application incase if we want to run different.
- Using boto3 its ease to connect to aws instance.
- The security group has only 80 and 22 port.
- AWS key and secert key are not stored anywhere in the script,it taken from the command line.
- AWS t2.micro instances
- Ubuntu 18.04 -> ami-0d773a3b7bb2bb1c1
- Simple ruby application.