The atlas client libraries require the "requests" library. The traceroute service additionally requires "jsonrpclib".
##Measurement scripts
There are several measurement scripts in place for running traceroute, ping, ssl etc... Most scripts double as Python class modules and command-line scripts. As command-line scripts, each typically takes a probe-target file as the first argument and an output file to write measurement ids as the second argument. The probe-target file is a space-separated probeid, target pair per line such as
4125 www.google.com
Example usage of ping.
atlas_ping.py probe-targets-file probe-targets-measurementids
Each measurement script has it's own set of independent options so check out the usage output for each one. Measurement ids are also printed to stderr as a status indicator.
##Configure Auth Key Measurement scripts require an auth key file at ~/.atlas/auth with the key as a single line.
###Fetching active probes
./fetch_active.py tab true > active_probes
###Check status of measurements
./status probe-targets-measurementids
###Downloading measurements This currently relies on GNU parallel. It seems to work with versions >= 20130222 but older versions may have problems. There are other implementations of download commented out in the source if parallel is not available but they will be much slower.
./atlas_collect.sh probe-targets-file 4 > results.json
###Parsing/Format JSON results into a TAB format All data is present in the original JSON format but this is nicer to work with if you prefer standard Unix tools.
./atlas_retrieve ping results.json > results.tab
##Traceroute Service
###Available Methods
Submits a traceroute request
submit(probe_list, target)
Returns a measurement_id.
Retrieve the status of a measurement
Retrieve the active probes, optionally within a specific asn
active(asn), active()
Retrieve the ASes with active probes
Retrieve the traceroutes for the given measurement_id