When using this method, you can:
- Specify the number of masters and workers you want to provision
- Change Network Security Group rules in order to lock down the ingress access to the cluster
- Change Infrastructure component names
- Add tags
This Terraform based aproach will split VMs accross 3 AWS Availability Zones
Deployment can be split into 4 steps:
- Create Control Plane (masters) and Surrounding Infrastructure (DNS,VPC etc.)
- Destroy Bootstrap VM
- Create Compute (worker) nodes
This method uses the following tools:
- terraform >= 0.12
- openshift-cli
- git
- jq (optional)
Prepare AWS Cloud for Openshift installation:
https://github.com/openshift/installer/tree/master/docs/user/aws -
Clone this repository
$> git clone https://github.com/aglenn360/ocp4_aws_upi_tf.git
$> cd ocp4_aws_upi_tf
- Initialize Terraform working directories (current and worker):
$> terraform init
$> cd worker
$> terraform init
$> cd ../
Download openshift-install binary and get the pull-secret from:
https://cloud.redhat.com/openshift/install/aws/installer-provisioned -
Copy openshift-install binary to
cp openshift-install /usr/local/bin/
- Generate install config files:
$> openshift-install create install-config --dir=ignition-files
$> ./openshift-install create install-config --dir=ignition-files
? SSH Public Key /home/user_id/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
? Platform aws
? Region eu-west-2
? Base Domain example.com
? Cluster Name test
? Pull Secret [? for help]
6.1. Edit the install-config.yaml file to set the number of compute, or worker, replicas to 0, as shown in the following compute stanza:
- hyperthreading: Enabled
name: worker
platform: {}
replicas: 0
- Generate manifests:
$> openshift-install create manifests --dir=ignition-files
7.1. Remove the files that define the control plane machines:
$> rm -f ignition-files/openshift/99_openshift-cluster-api_master-machines-*
7.2. Remove the Kubernetes manifest files that define the worker machines:
$> rm -f ignition-files/openshift/99_openshift-cluster-api_worker-machineset-*
Because you create and manage the worker machines yourself, you do not need to initialize these machines.
- Obtain the Ignition config files:
$> openshift-install create ignition-configs --dir=ignition-files
- Extract the infrastructure name from the Ignition config file metadata, run one of the following commands:
$> jq -r .infraID ignition-files/metadata.json
$> egrep -o 'infraID.*,' ignition-files/metadata.json
- Open terraform.tfvars file and fill in the variables:
aws_bootstrap_instance_type = ""
aws_master_instance_type = ""
aws_master_root_volume_type = ""
aws_master_root_volume_size = 64
aws_ami = "ami_name"
aws_region = "eu-west-2"
##List string
aws_master_availability_zones = ""
##list string
aws_worker_availability_zones = ""
##"The identifier for the cluster."
cluster_id = "openshift-lnkh2"
##The base domain used for public records."
base_domain = "example.com"
machine_cidr = ""
master_count = 3
You can either run the upi-ocp-install.sh
script or run the steps manually:
- Run the installation script:
$> ./upi-ocp-install.sh
After Control Plane is deployed, script will replace the default Ingress Controller of type
to typeHostNetwork
. This will disable the creation of Public facing Azure Load Balancer and will allow to have a custom Network Security Rules which won't be overwritten by Kubernetes.
Once this is done, it will continue with Compute nodes deployment.
- Manual approach:
2.1. Initialize Terraform directory:
terraform init
2.2. Run Terraform Plan and check what resources will be provisioned:
terraform plan
2.3. Once ready, run Terraform apply to provision Control plane resources:
terraform apply -auto-approve
2.4. Once Terraform job is finished, run openshift-install
. It will check when the bootstraping is finished.
openshift-install wait-for bootstrap-complete --dir=ignition-files
2.5. Since we dont need bootstrap VM anymore, we can remove it:
terraform destroy -target=module.bootstrap -auto-approve
2.6. Check openshift-ingress service type (it should be type: ClusterIP):
oc get svc -n openshift-ingress
router-internal-default *ClusterIP* <none> 80/TCP,443/TCP,1936/TCP 37m
2.7. Wait for installation to be completed. Run openshift-install
openshift-install wait-for install-complete --dir=ignition-files
approve the CSR generated by each kubelet.
You can approve all Pending
CSR requests using:
oc get csr -o json | jq -r '.items[] | select(.status == {} ) | .metadata.name' | xargs oc adm certificate approve