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A testable Azure Function to send an email to a configured recipient. .NET Core 3.1.


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A .NET Core 3.1 Azure Function to send an email to a configured recipient.


  1. Create an Azure Portal account.
  2. Fork this repository.
  3. Create an Azure Function
  4. Set up your function to deploy from GitHub, pointed to your fork of this repository, or publish it from Visual Studio from your repository fork.


The Function can be configured to require a subject, and to respond with OK (200, for AJAX) or redirect (302, for form post) responses. OK responses will include a response body containing { Redirect: 'SuccessRedirectUrl' } if SuccessRedirectUrl is configured. The following App Settings are used, and should be configured:

Setting Value
SmtpHost The URL of the email server to use to send the emails.
SmtpUsername The username of the account to use to send the emails.
SmtpPassword The password of the account to use to send the emails.
Recipient The email address to which the function will send emails.
IsSubjectRequired [optional] A boolean value indicating whether the posted form data must contain an email subject. Defaults to false.
FallbackSubject [optional] The subject for the email to send, if one is optional and not supplied in posted form data. Defaults to 'Email received'.
UseRedirectResponse [optional] A boolean value indicating whether the function should respond with a redirect (302) response or an OK (200) response. Default to false, yielding OK responses.
AllowUserRedirectUrls [optional] A boolean value indicating whether the function should support a posted redirectUrl. Default to false, yielding redirects to the configured SuccessRedirectUrl.
SuccessRedirectUrl [optional] A fixed redirect URL with which to respond to a caller, if the function either disallows user-supplied redirect URLs, or no redirect URL is supplied.


Use an AJAX call or HTML form to post the following data to the function URL:

Name Value
name The sender's name.
email The sender's email address.
subject [optional] The subject of the sender's email. If no value is supplied and a subject is optional, the FallbackSubject setting will be used to provide the email subject.
message The sender's message.
redirectUrl [optional] The redirect URL with which to respond to the caller, if posted redirect URLs are supported.


Depending on configuration and posted data, the function will respond with one of the following:

Status Reason
200 Email sent successfully, when redirecting is not enabled.
302 Email sent successfully, when redirecting is enabled.
400 A piece of required information was either missing, or invalid. A collection of new-line-separated error messages is returned to say what.
500 Something unexpected went wrong.

Redirect Response Examples

For clarity, here's some examples of what the Function will return, based on how you configure it and the data it's given:

Redirect responses disabled, no SuccessRedirectUrl:

  • UseRedirectResponse: false
  • AllowUserRedirectUrls: false
  • redirectUrl: [not supplied]
  • SuccessRedirectUrl: [not configured]
  • Response: OK (200), as UseRedirectResponse is false.

Redirect responses disabled, configured SuccessRedirectUrl:

  • UseRedirectResponse: false
  • AllowUserRedirectUrls: false
  • redirectUrl: [not supplied]
  • SuccessRedirectUrl: /contact-thank-you
  • Response: OK (200) with response body { Redirect: '/contact-thank-you' }, as UseRedirectResponse is false, but SuccessRedirectUrl is configured.

User redirect response URL disallowed:

  • UseRedirectResponse: true
  • AllowUserRedirectUrls: false
  • redirectUrl: [not supplied]
  • SuccessRedirectUrl: /contact-thank-you
  • Response: Redirect (302) to /contact-thank-you, as AllowUserRedirectUrls is false.

User redirect response URL allowed and supplied:

  • UseRedirectResponse: true
  • AllowUserRedirectUrls: true
  • redirectUrl: /special-thank-you
  • SuccessRedirectUrl: /contact-thank-you
  • Response: Redirect (302) to /special-thank-you, as AllowUserRedirectUrls is true and a URL was supplied.

User redirect response URL allowed, but not supplied:

  • UseRedirectResponse: true
  • AllowUserRedirectUrls: true
  • redirectUrl: [not supplied]
  • SuccessRedirectUrl: /contact-thank-you
  • Response: Redirect (302) to /contact-thank-you, as AllowUserRedirectUrls is true, but no URL was supplied.

User redirect response URL allowed, not supplied, and required:

  • UseRedirectResponse: true
  • AllowUserRedirectUrls: true
  • redirectUrl: [not supplied]
  • SuccessRedirectUrl: [not configured]
  • Response: Bad Request (400), as no fallback SuccessRedirectUrl is configured, and no URL was supplied.


A testable Azure Function to send an email to a configured recipient. .NET Core 3.1.






