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Crude Monadicity Theorem
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JacquesCarette authored Feb 3, 2021
2 parents 9bdde16 + 6022bb9 commit b984835
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Showing 7 changed files with 460 additions and 8 deletions.
32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions src/Categories/Adjoint/Monadic.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

-- Monadic Adjunctions
module Categories.Adjoint.Monadic where

open import Level

open import Categories.Adjoint
open import Categories.Adjoint.Properties
open import Categories.Category
open import Categories.Category.Equivalence
open import Categories.Functor
open import Categories.Monad

open import Categories.Category.Construction.EilenbergMoore
open import Categories.Category.Construction.Properties.EilenbergMoore

o ℓ e : Level
𝒞 𝒟 : Category o ℓ e

-- An adjunction is monadic if the adjunction "comes from" the induced monad in some sense.
record IsMonadicAdjunction {L : Functor 𝒞 𝒟} {R : Functor 𝒟 𝒞} (adjoint : L ⊣ R) : Set (levelOfTerm 𝒞 ⊔ levelOfTerm 𝒟) where
T : Monad 𝒞
T = adjoint⇒monad adjoint

Comparison⁻¹ : Functor (EilenbergMoore T) 𝒟
comparison-equiv : WeakInverse (ComparisonF adjoint) Comparison⁻¹
174 changes: 174 additions & 0 deletions src/Categories/Adjoint/Monadic/Crude.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

open import Categories.Adjoint
open import Categories.Category
open import Categories.Functor renaming (id to idF)

-- The crude monadicity theorem. This proof is based off of the version
-- provided in "Sheaves In Geometry and Logic" by Maclane and Moerdijk.
module Categories.Adjoint.Monadic.Crude {o ℓ e o′ ℓ′ e′} {𝒞 : Category o ℓ e} {𝒟 : Category o′ ℓ′ e′}
{L : Functor 𝒞 𝒟} {R : Functor 𝒟 𝒞} (adjoint : L ⊣ R) where

open import Level
open import Function using (_$_)
open import Data.Product using (Σ-syntax; _,_)

open import Categories.Adjoint.Properties
open import Categories.Adjoint.Monadic
open import Categories.Adjoint.Monadic.Properties
open import Categories.Category.Equivalence using (StrongEquivalence)
open import Categories.Category.Equivalence.Properties using (pointwise-iso-equivalence)
open import Categories.Functor.Properties
open import Categories.NaturalTransformation.NaturalIsomorphism using (NaturalIsomorphism)
open import Categories.NaturalTransformation
open import Categories.Monad

open import Categories.Diagram.Coequalizer
open import Categories.Diagram.ReflexivePair

open import Categories.Adjoint.Construction.EilenbergMoore
open import Categories.Category.Construction.EilenbergMoore
open import Categories.Category.Construction.Properties.EilenbergMoore

open import Categories.Morphism
open import Categories.Morphism.Notation
open import Categories.Morphism.Properties
import Categories.Morphism.Reasoning as MR

module L = Functor L
module R = Functor R

module 𝒞 = Category 𝒞
module 𝒟 = Category 𝒟

module adjoint = Adjoint adjoint

T : Monad 𝒞
T = adjoint⇒monad adjoint

𝒞ᵀ : Category _ _ _
𝒞ᵀ = EilenbergMoore T

Comparison : Functor 𝒟 𝒞ᵀ
Comparison = ComparisonF adjoint

module Comparison = Functor Comparison

open Coequalizer

-- We could do this with limits, but this is far easier.
PreservesReflexiveCoequalizers : (F : Functor 𝒟 𝒞) Set _
PreservesReflexiveCoequalizers F = {A B} {f g : 𝒟 [ A , B ]} ReflexivePair 𝒟 f g (coeq : Coequalizer 𝒟 f g) IsCoequalizer 𝒞 (F.F₁ f) (F.F₁ g) (F.F₁ (arr coeq))
module F = Functor F

module _ {F : Functor 𝒟 𝒞} (preserves-reflexive-coeq : PreservesReflexiveCoequalizers F) where
open Functor F

-- Unfortunately, we need to prove that the 'coequalize' arrows are equal as a lemma
preserves-coequalizer-unique : {A B C} {f g : 𝒟 [ A , B ]} {h : 𝒟 [ B , C ]} {eq : 𝒟 [ 𝒟 [ h ∘ f ] ≈ 𝒟 [ h ∘ g ] ]}
(reflexive-pair : ReflexivePair 𝒟 f g) (coe : Coequalizer 𝒟 f g)
𝒞 [ F₁ (coequalize coe eq) ≈ IsCoequalizer.coequalize (preserves-reflexive-coeq reflexive-pair coe) ([ F ]-resp-square eq) ]
preserves-coequalizer-unique reflexive-pair coe = IsCoequalizer.unique (preserves-reflexive-coeq reflexive-pair coe) (F-resp-≈ (universal coe) ○ homomorphism)
open 𝒞.HomReasoning

-- If 𝒟 has coequalizers of reflexive pairs, then the comparison functor has a left adjoint.
module _ (has-reflexive-coequalizers : {A B} {f g : 𝒟 [ A , B ]} ReflexivePair 𝒟 f g Coequalizer 𝒟 f g) where

reflexive-pair : (M : Module T) ReflexivePair 𝒟 (L.F₁ (Module.action M)) (adjoint.counit.η (L.₀ (Module.A M)))
reflexive-pair M = record
{ s = L.F₁ (adjoint.unit.η (Module.A M))
; isReflexivePair = record
{ sectionₗ = begin
𝒟 [ L.F₁ (Module.action M) ∘ L.F₁ (adjoint.unit.η (Module.A M)) ] ≈˘⟨ L.homomorphism ⟩
L.F₁ (𝒞 [ Module.action M ∘ adjoint.unit.η (Module.A M) ] ) ≈⟨ L.F-resp-≈ (Module.identity M) ⟩
L.F₁ 𝒞.id ≈⟨ L.identity ⟩
𝒟.id ∎
; sectionᵣ = begin
𝒟 [ adjoint.counit.η (L.₀ (Module.A M)) ∘ L.F₁ (adjoint.unit.η (Module.A M)) ] ≈⟨ adjoint.zig ⟩
𝒟.id ∎
open 𝒟.HomReasoning

-- The key part of the proof. As we have all reflexive coequalizers, we can create the following coequalizer.
-- We can think of this as identifying the action of the algebra lifted to a "free" structure
-- and the counit of the adjunction, as the unit of the adjunction (also lifted to the "free structure") is a section of both.
has-coequalizer : (M : Module T) Coequalizer 𝒟 (L.F₁ (Module.action M)) (adjoint.counit.η (L.₀ (Module.A M)))
has-coequalizer M = has-reflexive-coequalizers (reflexive-pair M)

module Comparison⁻¹ = Functor (Comparison⁻¹ adjoint has-coequalizer)
module Comparison⁻¹⊣Comparison = Adjoint (Comparison⁻¹⊣Comparison adjoint has-coequalizer)

-- We have one interesting coequalizer in 𝒞 built out of a T-module's action.
coequalizer-action : (M : Module T) Coequalizer 𝒞 (R.F₁ (L.F₁ (Module.action M))) (R.F₁ (adjoint.counit.η (L.₀ (Module.A M))))
coequalizer-action M = record
{ arr = Module.action M
; isCoequalizer = record
{ equality = Module.commute M
; coequalize = λ {X} {h} eq 𝒞 [ h ∘ adjoint.unit.η (Module.A M) ]
; universal = λ {C} {h} {eq} begin
h ≈⟨ introʳ adjoint.zag ○ 𝒞.sym-assoc ⟩
𝒞 [ 𝒞 [ h ∘ R.F₁ (adjoint.counit.η (L.₀ (Module.A M))) ] ∘ adjoint.unit.η (R.F₀ (L.F₀ (Module.A M))) ] ≈⟨ pushˡ (⟺ eq) ⟩
𝒞 [ h ∘ 𝒞 [ R.F₁ (L.F₁ (Module.action M)) ∘ adjoint.unit.η (R.F₀ (L.F₀ (Module.A M))) ] ] ≈⟨ pushʳ (adjoint.unit.sym-commute (Module.action M)) ⟩
𝒞 [ 𝒞 [ h ∘ adjoint.unit.η (Module.A M) ] ∘ Module.action M ] ∎
; unique = λ {X} {h} {i} {eq} eq′ begin
i ≈⟨ introʳ (Module.identity M) ⟩
𝒞 [ i ∘ 𝒞 [ Module.action M ∘ adjoint.unit.η (Module.A M) ] ] ≈⟨ pullˡ (⟺ eq′) ⟩
𝒞 [ h ∘ adjoint.unit.η (Module.A M) ] ∎
open 𝒞.HomReasoning
open MR 𝒞

-- If 'R' preserves reflexive coequalizers, then the unit of the adjunction is a pointwise isomorphism
unit-iso : PreservesReflexiveCoequalizers R (X : Module T) Σ[ h ∈ 𝒞ᵀ [ Comparison.F₀ (Comparison⁻¹.F₀ X) , X ] ] (Iso 𝒞ᵀ (Comparison⁻¹⊣Comparison.unit.η X) h)
unit-iso preserves-reflexive-coeq X =
coequalizerˣ = has-coequalizer X
coequalizerᴿˣ = ((IsCoequalizer⇒Coequalizer 𝒞 (preserves-reflexive-coeq (reflexive-pair X) (has-coequalizer X))))
coequalizer-iso = up-to-iso 𝒞 (coequalizer-action X) coequalizerᴿˣ
module coequalizer-iso = _≅_ coequalizer-iso
open 𝒞
open 𝒞.HomReasoning
open MR 𝒞
α = record
{ arr =
; commute = begin ∘ R.F₁ (adjoint.counit.η _) ≈⟨ introʳ (R.F-resp-≈ L.identity ○ R.identity) ⟩
( ∘ R.F₁ (adjoint.counit.η _)) ∘ R.F₁ (L.F₁ 𝒞.id) ≈⟨ pushʳ (R.F-resp-≈ (L.F-resp-≈ (⟺ coequalizer-iso.isoʳ)) ○ R.F-resp-≈ L.homomorphism ○ R.homomorphism) ⟩
(( ∘ R.F₁ (adjoint.counit.η _)) ∘ R.F₁ (L.F₁ (R.F₁ (arr coequalizerˣ) ∘ adjoint.unit.η _))) ∘ R.F₁ (L.F₁ ≈⟨ (refl⟩∘⟨ (R.F-resp-≈ L.homomorphism ○ R.homomorphism)) ⟩∘⟨refl ⟩
(( ∘ R.F₁ (adjoint.counit.η _)) ∘ R.F₁ (L.F₁ (R.F₁ (arr coequalizerˣ))) ∘ R.F₁ (L.F₁ (adjoint.unit.η _))) ∘ R.F₁ (L.F₁ ≈⟨ center ([ R ]-resp-square (adjoint.counit.commute _)) ⟩∘⟨refl ⟩
(( ∘ (R.F₁ (arr coequalizerˣ) ∘ R.F₁ (adjoint.counit.η (L.F₀ _))) ∘ R.F₁ (L.F₁ (adjoint.unit.η _))) ∘ R.F₁ (L.F₁ ≈⟨ (refl⟩∘⟨ cancelʳ (⟺ R.homomorphism ○ R.F-resp-≈ adjoint.zig ○ R.identity)) ⟩∘⟨refl ⟩
( ∘ R.F₁ (arr coequalizerˣ)) ∘ R.F₁ (L.F₁ ≈˘⟨ universal coequalizerᴿˣ ⟩∘⟨refl ⟩
Module.action X ∘ R.F₁ (L.F₁ ∎
in α , record { isoˡ = coequalizer-iso.isoˡ ; isoʳ = coequalizer-iso.isoʳ }

-- If 'R' preserves reflexive coequalizers and reflects isomorphisms, then the counit of the adjunction is a pointwise isomorphism.
counit-iso : PreservesReflexiveCoequalizers R Conservative R (X : 𝒟.Obj) Σ[ h ∈ 𝒟 [ X , Comparison⁻¹.F₀ (Comparison.F₀ X) ] ] Iso 𝒟 (Comparison⁻¹⊣Comparison.counit.η X) h
counit-iso preserves-reflexive-coeq conservative X =
let coequalizerᴿᴷˣ = IsCoequalizer⇒Coequalizer 𝒞 (preserves-reflexive-coeq (reflexive-pair (Comparison.F₀ X)) (has-coequalizer (Comparison.F₀ X)))
coequalizerᴷˣ = has-coequalizer (Comparison.F₀ X)
coequalizer-iso = up-to-iso 𝒞 coequalizerᴿᴷˣ (coequalizer-action (Comparison.F₀ X))
module coequalizer-iso = _≅_ coequalizer-iso
open 𝒞.HomReasoning
open 𝒞.Equiv
in conservative (Iso-resp-≈ 𝒞 coequalizer-iso.iso (⟺ (preserves-coequalizer-unique {R} preserves-reflexive-coeq (reflexive-pair (Comparison.F₀ X)) coequalizerᴷˣ)) refl)

-- Now, for the final result. Both the unit and counit of the adjunction between the comparison functor and it's inverse are isomorphisms,
-- so therefore they form natural isomorphism. Therfore, we have an equivalence of categories.
crude-monadicity : PreservesReflexiveCoequalizers R Conservative R StrongEquivalence 𝒞ᵀ 𝒟
crude-monadicity preserves-reflexlive-coeq conservative = record
{ F = Comparison⁻¹ adjoint has-coequalizer
; G = Comparison
; weak-inverse = pointwise-iso-equivalence (Comparison⁻¹⊣Comparison adjoint has-coequalizer)
(counit-iso preserves-reflexlive-coeq conservative)
(unit-iso preserves-reflexlive-coeq)

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