After hearding about the latest Humble Bundle cyber security deal I wanted an easy way to download all the book files as well as extra content such as DVD examples.
When you access the Humble Bundle download page
the pages makes a GET request to
to fetch all the available books as part of your order. The resonse that comes back from the order API is as follow:
"amount_spent": 0.0,
"product": {
"category": "bundle",
"machine_name": "wiley_bookbundle",
"post_purchase_text": "",
"supports_canonical": false,
"human_name": "Humble Book Bundle: Cybersecurity presented by Wiley",
"automated_empty_tpkds": {},
"partial_gift_enabled": true
"gamekey": "yourDownloadKey",
"uid": "1234547R8DXTQ",
"created": "2017-07-23T17:42:57.642320",
"subproducts": [{
"machine_name": "social_engineering_the_art_of_human_hacking",
"url": "",
"downloads": [{
"machine_name": "social_engineering_the_art_of_human_hacking_ebook",
"platform": "ebook",
"download_struct": [{
"sha1": "361ea9355b7b0f26aa077fc57e9bed1d92a6131b",
"name": "EPUB",
"url": {
"web": "",
"bittorrent": ""
"human_size": "6 MB",
"file_size": 6331444,
"small": 1,
"md5": "9a5cb066b06b9d14cacaaa4311ff1ecc"
"sha1": "07982aaf7c3eb0f45a3642a1dcde3d37d583b345",
"name": "PDF",
"url": {
"web": "",
"bittorrent": ""
"human_size": "6 MB",
"file_size": 6298426,
"small": 1,
"md5": "9b1cebe9825b405a57b04add0d743842"
"sha1": "c23a01c249b5374e287e972d34ff275f06ee06a1",
"name": "MOBI",
"url": {
"web": "",
"bittorrent": ""
"human_size": "9.7 MB",
"file_size": 10187642,
"small": 1,
"md5": "63496aab0b82c2d7b2df80fb4aa4462f"
"options_dict": {},
"download_identifier": null,
"android_app_only": false,
"download_version_number": null
"library_family_name": null,
"payee": {
"human_name": "Wiley",
"machine_name": "wiley"
"human_name": "Social Engineering: The Art of Human Hacking",
"custom_download_page_box_html": null,
"icon": ""
"currency": "USD",
"is_giftee": false,
"has_wallet": false,
"claimed": false,
"total": 0.0,
"wallet_credit": null,
"path_ids": [
With that data structure the CLI iterates through all the book purchases and download all the listed files.
Added option to exclude download types using .ignore file
New shell script to determine download types to be added, if desired to the .ignore file
Example has golang installed at /opt/go
$ cat ~/.go
# Point to the local installation of golang.
export GOROOT=/opt/go
# Point to the location beneath which source and binaries are installed.
export GOPATH="${HOME}/go"
# Ensure that the binary-release is on your PATH.
export PATH="${PATH}:${GOROOT}/bin"
# Ensure that compiled binaries are also on your PATH.
export PATH="${PATH}:${GOPATH}/bin"
cd ~
. .go
cd ~/go
go build -o bin/humblebundle-downloader src/
Download all books from your Humble Bundle Order
humblebundle-downloader -key=yourDownloadKey
NB: downloads will now not re-download files that have already been downloaded, instead it will check the file size with expected file size; if they are the same, then it will do normal checksums only. If they are different, then a new download will be started.
If files have changed since your last download, you may well get a bunch of updates WITHOUT needing to download all files again.
In time.... I may do a further adjustment to do restartable downloads....
Show download types
humblebundle-downloader -key=yourDownloadKey -types y
New ability to include and/or exclude download types with .include and .exclude files