# Import functions.
source download_gene_annotation_and_genome_files.sh
$ download_refseq_gene_annotation_file
Usage: Parameters:
- refseq_version:
Specify refSeq version used on UCSC: e.g.: 90
If refSeq version is set to 0, the last refSeq version will be used.
UCSC normally updates gene annotation to the last version of refSeq,
so in general you should just set this parameter to 0.
- assembly:
Specify assembly version: e.g. hg38
Check the following links for possible assembly version names:
- http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/downloads.html
- ftp://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/
- refGene|ncbiRefSeq:
Download refGene or ncbiRefSeq gene annotation.
Download last ncbiRefSeqCurated gene annotation for Homo sapiens (hg38) from UCSC:
download_refseq_gene_annotation_file 0 hg38 ncbiRefSeqCurated
Download last ncbiRefSeqCurated gene annotation for Homo sapiens (hg38) from UCSC:
download_refseq_gene_annotation_file 0 hg38 ncbiRefSeqCurated
Create a list of assemblies to use for lifting over human regulatory regions. The human regulatory regions and lifted over regions will be scored with Cluster-Buster in a later step.
See http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/downloads.html and ftp://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/ for the correct assembly names to use.
Content of ./data/genomes/liftOver/hg38.liftover_genomes.lst:
bosTau8 cow/Bos taurus hg38
canFam3 dog/Canis familiaris hg38
mm10 mouse/Mus musculus hg38
monDom5 opossums/Monodelphis domestica hg38
panTro5 chimpanzee/Pan troglodytes hg38
ponAbe2 Orangutan/Pongo pygmaeus abelii hg38
rheMac8 rhesus macaque/Macaca mulatta hg38
rn6 rat/Rattus norvegicus hg38
susScr3 pig/Sus scrofa hg38
Download last refGene gene annotation for Mus Musculus (mm10) from UCSC:
download_refseq_gene_annotation_file 0 mm10 refGene
Content of genomes/liftOver/mm10.liftover_genomes.lst:
bosTau8 cow/Bos taurus mm10
canFam3 dog/Canis familiaris mm10
hg38 human/Homo sapiens mm10
monDom5 opossums/Monodelphis domestica mm10
panTro5 chimpanzee/Pan troglodytes mm10
ponAbe2 Orangutan/Pongo pygmaeus abelii mm10
rheMac8 rhesus macaque/Macaca mulatta mm10
rn6 rat/Rattus norvegicus mm10
susScr3 pig/Sus scrofa mm10
get_download http://motifcollections.aertslab.org/zips/motif_collection_v9.public.zip motif_collection_v9.public.zip