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The nondeterminism Python library

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16 December 2024: nondeterminism 3.1.1 has been released! You can install it with pip install nondeterminism.

A Python library for writing nondeterministic algorithms (as in nondeterministic Turing machines, not directly related to randomised algorithms or to algorithms that just have inconsistent output due to bugs).

This library has been mostly designed for two purposes:

  • as a teaching aid, in order to show that yeah, nondeterminism per se doesn’t really exist, but you can still pretend it does1, and students can get machine feedback when designing nondeterministic algorithms, instead of just writing pseudocode and crossing fingers;
  • prototyping of nondeterministic algorithms for computer science research (which is actually how this project was born).

This library is not really suitable for production code; its implementation is based on fork(2), so it currently only runs on Unix variants (including Linux, macOS and, I suppose, Windows Subsystem for Linux) and is very slow for any nontrivial practical purpose.2 On the other hand, the implementation itself might also be of pedagogical interest as a nontrivial example of multiprocessing with shared memory.

⚠️ Warning

Although this library does exploit multiprocessing, it is not multiprocessing-safe itself! Don’t run multiple nondeterministic functions in parallel (although you can call a nondeterministic function from another nondeterministic function, oracle-like).



You can install this library via pip install nondeterminism. For the most recent changes, please check the Git repository, where you can also find the bug tracker.


In order to promote open research and teaching, the nondeterminism library is distributed under the GNU AGPL license.

Basic usage

You declare a function nondeterministic by using the @nondeterministic decorator and call guess inside it (or in a function called by it) in order to get a True or a False. Which one? Well, guess wants your nondeterministic function to succeed, so it will return a result that allows that, if it is possible at all.

As a trivial example, consider this:

from nondeterminism import *

def test1():
    x = guess()
    return x

The only way for test to succeed (i.e., return True) is if x is True, so guess will necessarily return True:

>>> test1()

Now consider this slight variation:

from nondeterminism import *

def test2():
    x = guess()
    return not x

In this case, test2 needs x to be False in order to succeed, and guess will happily oblige:

>>> test2()

However, consider this third trivial example:

from nondeterminism import *

def test3():
    x = guess()
    return x and not x

Here guess cannot make test3 succeed, since x and not x is a contradiction. As a consequence, guess will return whatever value (the actual value is unspecified) and let test3 fail:

>>> test3()

A nontrivial example: solving SAT

By generalising the previous, trivial examples we can write a SAT solver in just a few lines of code:

from inspect import signature
from nondeterminism import *

# Number of parameters of function
def arity(function):
    return len(signature(function).parameters)

def is_satisfiable(formula):
    n = arity(formula)
    x = tuple(guess() for i in range(n))
    return formula(*x)

The is_satisfiable function makes one guess per variable, then evaluates the input formula on the truth assignment obtained this way:

>>> def phi(x, y):
...     return (x or y) and (x or not y)
>>> is_satisfiable(phi)
>>> def psi(x, y, z):
...     return x and not x and z and y
>>> is_satisfiable(psi)

As a result, is_satisfiable returns True if and only if there is a satisfying assignment for the variables of formula. In other terms, the final result is True if and only if one possible computation of is_satisfiable (corresponding to a particular sequence of choices made by guess) returns True.

Who exactly must be @nondeterministic?

The function calling guess need not be declared @nondeterministic itself, as long as it is called by a @nondeterministic function (or by a function called by a @nondeterministic function, or so on, recursively).

For instance, you can rewrite the SAT solver by separating the actual guessing this way, which might even be more readable and reusable:

from inspect import signature
from nondeterminism import *

# Number of parameters of function
def arity(function):
    return len(signature(function).parameters)

def guess_assignment(nvars):
    return tuple(guess() for i in range(nvars))

def is_satisfiable(formula):
    n = arity(formula)
    x = guess_assignment(n)
    return formula(*x)

Notice that guess_assignment is not declared @nondeterministic, while is_satisfiable is: it’s the latter function that must return True if and only if it has an accepting computation, not guess_assignment.

However, you can only call guess from a nondeterministic context, meaning that either the function calling guess, or recursively one of the functions calling it, must have been declared @nondeterministic. For instance, the following code

from nondeterminism import *

def test4():
    return guess()

produces a GuessError at runtime:

>>> test4()
Traceback (most recent call last):
nondeterminism.GuessError: can only guess in a nondeterministic context

Guessing non-bool values

By default, guess returns a bool value, either False or True; but by giving it an optional iterable (such as a list or a set) as a parameter, you can guess anything you like.

For instance, the following code solves the Hamiltonian cycle problem by guessing a permutation of the vertices of the input graph:

def is_hamiltonian(G):
    (V, E) = G
    n = len(V)
    V = V.copy()
    p = []
    while V:
        v = guess(V)
    for i in range(n):
        if (p[i], p[(i+1)%n]) not in E:
            return False
    return True

This produces:

>>> V = {1, 2, 3}
>>> E = {(1, 3), (3, 1), (3, 2), (2, 1)}
>>> G = (V, E)
>>> is_hamiltonian(G)

Returning non-bool values

Nondeterministic functions returning False or True are all fine and dandy, but what if you want to know, e.g., an actual assignment satisfying your formula? Well, you just return it!

from inspect import signature
from nondeterminism import *

# Returns the number of parameters of function
def arity(function):
    return len(signature(function).parameters)

def satisfy(formula):
    n = arity(formula)
    x = tuple(guess() for i in range(n))
    if formula(*x):
        return x

If no satisfying assignment is found, you get None (invisible in the Python interpreter) as a result:

>>> def phi(x, y):
...     return (x or y) and (x or not y)
>>> satisfy(phi)
(True, False)
>>> def psi(x, y, z):
...     return x and not x and z and y
>>> satisfy(psi)

A remark about infinite computations

Often nondeterministic algorithms are defined in such a way that even infinite (non-halting) computation paths are allowed, as long as at least one halting path exists. This is not currently allowed by the nondeterminism library: if a sequence of choices leads us to a non-terminating computation, the nondeterministic function will not halt.

For instance, with the current implementation neither of the following test5 and test6 functions halts:

from nondeterminism import *

def test5():
    while True:

def test6():
    halt = guess()
    if halt:
        return True
        while True:

However, a future version of the nondeterminism library might implement dovetailing and allow test6 to halt with a success. (On the other hand, the current behaviour on test5 is correct, as this function must never halt.)

⚠️ Warning

If you execute a non-halting nondeterministic function like these (or a very slow one) in the Python interpreter in interactive mode, and you terminate it with a ctrl-C, this will probably leave the interpreter in an inconsistent state and you will be forced to restart it.3

More types of nondeterminism

“Classic” nondeterminism as in the previous section allows you to solve all problems in NP in (simulated) polynomial time, or the larger nondeterministic classes if you allow more time. The type of guesses we make in this type of algorithms can be called existential or disjunctive, since the final result will be a success if and only if at least one of the computation paths is successful.

The mode keyword parameter to guess allows us to change the evaluation strategy. The default value of mode is success (i.e., guess() is the same as guess(mode=success)), which returns the first non-None, non-False result if any (or just the first result, if all are None or False). This is similar to the any Python builtin function, except that it considers values such as 0 and [] as successes, and it does not convert successful results to True. You can actually use guess(mode=any) if you’re only returning bool values.


However, this is just the beginning. The dual of nondeterminism is “conondeterminism”, which uses universal or conjunctive choices. A conondeterministic algorithm is successful if and only if all computation paths are successful; if just one of them fails, then the overall algorithm fails too. The corresponding complexity class is coNP, assuming polynomial time, and the corresponding mode for guess is all (i.e., guess(mode=all)).

A classic example of conondeterministic algorithm is primality testing4: assuming n >= 2, you guess a nontrivial divisor, and if it does indeed divide n, then it’s not a prime.

from nondeterminism import *

def is_prime(n):
    if n < 2:
        return False
    d = guess(range(2, n), mode=all)
    return n % d != 0

Here is a list of the primes below 50:

>>> [n for n in range(50) if is_prime(n)]
[2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47]


It turns out that you can freely mix existential and universal guesses (i.e., guess(mode=any) and guess(mode=all)) in your nondeterministic algorithms! This is called alternation, and it’s extremely powerful: each time you switch from existential to universal guesses (or vice versa) you go one level up in the polynomial hierarchy PH, and if the number of alternations can depend on the size of the input you can even solve all problems in PSPACE in polynomial time!

One of the standard PSPACE-complete problem is a variant of SAT called TQBF (aka QBF, or QSAT), where each variable is quantified… in an alternated fashion, of course. Given a Boolean formula phi(x₀, x₁, …, xₙ₋₁), is it true that

x₀x₁x₂$Q_{n-1}$xₙ₋₁ phi(x₀, x₁, …, xₙ₋₁)

where $Q_i$ is ∃ if $i$ is even and ∀ if $i$ is odd?

Here is an (unboundedly) alternating algorithm for this problem:

from inspect import signature
from nondeterminism import *

# Returns the number of parameters of function
def arity(function):
    return len(signature(function).parameters)

def is_q_valid(formula):
    n = arity(formula)
    x = tuple(guess(mode=any) if i % 2 == 0
              else guess(mode=all)
              for i in range(n))
    return formula(*x)

For instance, this gives us:

>>> def phi(x, y):
...     return (x or y) and (x or not y)
>>> is_q_valid(phi)
>>> def psi(x, y, z):
...     return x and not x and z and y
>>> is_q_valid(psi)


Counting algorithms return the number of successful computations. The corresponding polynomial-time complexity class is #P and the corresponding mode for guess is sum. Counting is also extremely powerful, since you can solve the whole polynomial hierarchy in polynomial time if you have access to an oracle for a #P-complete problem!

One of the standard #P-complete problems is counting how many satisfying truth assignments exist for a given formula (let’s call this number the “satisfiability” of the formula):

from inspect import signature
from nondeterminism import *

# Returns the number of parameters of function
def arity(function):
    return len(signature(function).parameters)

def satisfiability(formula):
    n = arity(formula)
    x = tuple(guess(mode=sum) for i in range(n))
    return formula(*x)

As an example:

>>> def phi(x, y):
...     return (x or y) and (x or not y)
>>> satisfiability(phi)
>>> def psi(x, y, z):
...     return x and not x and z and y
>>> satisfiability(psi)


Majority algorithms return True if and only if the (strict) majority of the computations are accepting. This is as powerful as counting! The corresponding polynomial-time complexity class is PP and the corresponding mode for guess is majority.

The standard PP-complete problem is Majority-SAT, i.e., deciding whether the majority of assignments to a Boolean formula satisfy it:

from inspect import signature
from itertools import product
from nondeterminism import *

# Returns the number of parameters of function
def arity(function):
    return len(signature(function).parameters)

def is_majority_satisfiable(formula):
    n = arity(formula)
    x = guess(product((False, True), repeat=n),
    return formula(*x)

Notice that this code, rather that making n consecutive majority guesses over (False, True), only makes one guess over the n-th power of (False, True), i.e., over the set of Boolean tuples of length n. This is necessary, since you want to maximise once over this set, rather than maximising n times over (False, True).

For instance:

>>> def phi(x, y):
...     return (x or y) and (x or not y)
>>> is_majority_satisfiable(phi)
>>> def psi(x, y, z):
...     return x or y
>>> is_majority_satisfiable(psi)


Optimisation algorithm not only give us a (usually non-bool-valued) solution to our problem, but one maximising (or minimising) a specific parameter. The corresponding polyonimial-time complexity class is OptP, and the corresponding mode for guess is maximize(key) (resp., minimize(key)) where key is the value to be optimised across all non-None solutions.

As trivial examples, consider maximising or minimising the sum of binary tuples of a given length:

from nondeterminism import *

def maximize_sum(n):
    return tuple(guess(range(2), mode=maximize(sum))
                 for i in range(n))

def minimize_sum(n):
    return guess(product(range(2), repeat=n),

Observe how, unlike the majority example above, here you can either make consecutive guesses, or a single guess over the Cartesian product of all sets of choices.

>>> maximize_sum(3)
(1, 1, 1)
>>> maximize_sum(1)
>>> maximize_sum(0)
>>> minimize_sum(3)
(0, 0, 0)
>>> minimize_sum(2)
(0, 0)
>>> minimize_sum(0)

By default, the maximize and minimize modes optimise over the actual solutions themselves (i.e., the key is just the identity function), and return None if the set of solutions is empty. If using these optimisation modes this way you can drop the parentheses, e.g., you can write guess(mode=maximize) instead of guess(mode=maximize()).

For instance, we can re-implement Python’s max like this:

def my_max(X):
    return guess(X, mode=maximize)

which gives us:

>>> my_max(range(10))
>>> my_max(range(0))

Custom modes

You can define your own modes for guess (e.g., something based on leaf languages). A mode for guess is any function taking as input the list of results of the computation of your @nondeterministic function (either bool values, or whatever that function returns) and computes their combined result.

For instance, consider “parity algorithm”, which accept if and only if the number of accepting computations is odd. This corresponds to xor-ing together all the results:

def xor(lst):
    result = False
    for x in lst:
        result = result is not x
    return result

Now you can just use guess(mode=xor) in your code. For instance, a funny way of checking if a number is a perfect square is to check if it has an odd number of divisors:

from nondeterminism import *

def is_square(n):
    d = guess(range(1, n + 1), mode=xor)
    return n % d == 0

This gives:

>>> [n for n in range(100) if is_square(n)]
[1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81]

Other examples

You can find other examples for the nondeterminism library by looking for #TodaysNondeterministicAlgorithm on Twitter or Bluesky. Notice that these might not be up-to-date with respect to the interface of the library.


  1. The same way that literally every day we pretend, with a straight face too, that while loops (or anything related to structured programming) do exist, even though our machines can only do conditional jumps. It’s just that nondeterminism is a less commonly used abstraction.

  2. Notice that practical nondeterministic programming languages are actually available if you need them. The one I’m most familiar with is Prolog which, by an amazing coincidence, was conceived by Colmerauer and Roussel precisely here in Marseille on the Luminy campus, where I (AEP) currently work. Prolog is amazing (and one of the inspirations behind this library), but its execution model is harder to reason about in terms of computational complexity (or, in any case, it is less familiar) than the usual imperative execution model. Prolog is also the subject of the second-best joke about programming languages. Besides Prolog, other things of interest in Marseille starting with P are pastis and panisses.

  3. This is another area where improvement is needed, if this is possible at all.

  4. Of course, since 2002 we know that primality can actually be tested in deterministic polynomial time with the AKS algorithm.