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Single-repository multi-module project setup has been chosen for developer's convenience as no specific VCS/CI requirements were provided.

Maven Central and DockerHub have to be available.

OpenJDK 11 and Gradle 6.6.1 were used to develop and test the project.

Gradle bootJar task in root project (or one by one in data-collector and social-rating-calculator subprojects) will build runnable jars. Running applications within IntelliJ should work, too.


Issue POST requests to http://localhost:8000/requests in default configuration (with provided Post JSON body with the structure specified in the Test task.

Custom properties files

Custom files can be specified as usual with Spring Boot. For example (jar version excluded from filename), java -jar data-collector.jar --spring.config.location=custom-config/ will point the application to look for configuration in the custom-config directory outside the jar file.

Dependent services in Docker

Docker has to be installed and configured as a pre-requisite.

The whole project requires Kafka (and hence also Zookeeper) docker images to run.

If run manually service by service, first execute docker-compose up -d in the root directory to start up Kafka in Docker; stop Kafka by docker-compose down -v run in the same directory (the -v key cleans up container data).


Kafka is intentionally configured with single broker as localhost, mostly to avoid hostname resolution need.

Topic is created in Java code with hard-coded "1 partition, replication factor 1" for simplicity.

It is also run as a named ("kafka") image, so take care there are no other docker containers running with the same name.

Inspect Kafka internals

Get shell in Kafka container docker exec -it kafka /bin/bash and cd to /opt/kafka/bin. The following commands could be helpful to check what is going on:

  • ./ --bootstrap-server kafka:9092 --list
  • ./ --bootstrap-server kafka:9092 --topic social-rating-topic --describe
  • ./ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic social-rating-topic --from-beginning


The social-rating-calculator subproject requires Redis container.

If run manually service by service, first execute docker-compose up -d in the social-rating-calculator subproject directory to start up Redis in Docker; stop Redis by docker-compose down -v run in the same directory (the -v key cleans up container data).

Storing data in Redis

To demonstrate that Redis data is present social-rating-calculator offers a REST controller accessible at http://localhost:8100/redis/score/ with plain GET against /redis/score returning list of all data and /redis/score/{userId} returning the data for the given userId. Swagger has not been configured in the project.

Additional business considerations

Normally issues of this kind are communicated back to analyst and/or orderer of development to verify if approaches are acceptable and to find out what to do if not.

The controller added to the social-rating-calculator was not ordered initially and opens up a new potential attack vector the orderer shall at least be aware of.

Age in input is deemed to be provided as int and not "arbitrary number".

Score is calculated as double without explicit rounding and without explicit precision. Score is printed to console (according to Test task) with default %f formatting while stored in Redis "as is". The difference can be demonstrated e.g. with seed value 0.254 and age value 92: console output will be 23.368000 while Redis-stored data be 23.368000000000002.

"Username" stored in Redis is calculated as "firstname and lastname separated by a space" and referred to as userId in both Redis-stored data and related REST API.


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