Here you will find scripts for generating a labeled corpus using Wikipedia and Dewey Decimal Classification System
as a mapping scheme. The main script to use it
If all mapping files are present
launches a dash application which visualizes the mapping distribution
This section contains the code for the Supervised Topic Model, SVM extension. Additionally here are also helper functions to employ these models aswell as FastText using k-fold.
Here you will find script used for evaluation of the models and the constructed corpus aswell as the script used to evaluate their performance on the 20NewsGroupsDataset
- Construct a corpus
- Construct the models
import sys import os SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(SCRIPT_DIR)) import model.stm_model_k_fold as stm import model.svm_model_k_fold as svm import model.fasttext_k_fold as ft ddc_classes_to_include = [0,70,150,180,330,340,350,360,390,410,510,520,530,540,550,560,570,580,590,610,630,650,670,680,710,720,730,740,780,790] #%% print("gen stm model") src_dir = "D:/Informatikstudium/bachelor/stp/resources/corpus/grp_by_ddc_tokenized/1_1_1_1" res_stm, stm_models = stm.k_fold(src_dir, {"ranking_c" : lambda a,b: a * b / 100}, ddc_classes=ddc_classes_to_include, early_break=True) stm_model = stm_models[0] print("gen svm extension") res_svm, models_svm = svm.k_fold_svm(stm_models, src_dir, ddc_classes_to_include,early_break=True, svm_C=0.1, train_chunk=30000) print("gen fasttext") src_dir = "D:/Informatikstudium/bachelor/stp/resources/corpus/grp_by_ddc/1_1_1_1" res_fasttext, models_fasttext = ft.fasttext_k_fold(src_dir,ddc_classes_to_include, epochs=5, ngrams=2, dim=100, lr=0.6,early_break=True) stm_model = stm_models[0] svm_model = models_svm[0][0] svm_scaler = models_svm[0][1] ft_model = models_fasttext[0]
- Classify data
result = [] k = 10 theshold = 0.3 with open(file_path, "r") as file: s = ##### if model == "ft": cat_predicted = ft_model.predict(s.replace("\n", ""), k=k,threshold=threshold) for entry in cat_predicted[0]: result.append(int(entry[9:])) ##### if model == "stm": cat_predicted = stm_model.predict_doc(s, top_k=k,ranking_threshold=threshold*100) for entry in cat_predicted[:k]: result.append(entry[1]) #### if model == "svm": scores = stm_model.get_class_scores_doc(s) scores_scaled = svm_scaler.transform(scores.reshape(1, -1)) res = svm_model.predict_proba(scores_scaled) cat_predicted = [sorted(list(zip(weight, svm_model.classes_)), reverse=True)[:k]for weight in res ] for entry in cat_predicted[0]: if entry[0] < threshold: continue result.append(entry[1])