This mini project creates by requirement the following :
- User can view list of users
- User can view list of posts of each user
- User can view list of albums of each user
- User can view the detail of each post and its comment
- User can view list of photos from an album
- User can view the detail of photo
- User can add, edit and delete post
- User can add, edit and delete comment
- Create, Read, Update, Delete posting "Post Features".
- Create, Read, Update, Delete Comments "Comments Features".
- List View User by Api.
- List Image and show detail or Zoom image.
- Show list comments from user post.
The tech, i used the folowing:
- ReactJS - Modern Javascript for web apps!
- Bootstrap - Css framework.
- Webpack 4 - Web Dev Server.
- Node v11.8.0
- npm 6.7.0
- Eslint - Linter the rules for code.
- Jest - Unit Testing React.
- Json Server - Get Fake REST API, i used for CRUD.
- RESTFUL API - Interaction Request GET,POST,PUT,DELETE.
- Babel - bundling javascript code jsx.
Clone and run application.
$ git clone ""
$ cd eleapps/
Start React Apps
$ cd eleapps/
$ sudo npm install
$ npm start
Now you can open link http://localhost:8080.
Install JSON Server for execution Fake RestFull API.
sudo npm install -g json-server
Create a db.json file with some data
"posts": [
"title": "Highcharts Stock Demo",
"body": "lorem ipsum dolor sit amet que zuka dolor",
"userId": "2",
"id": 1
"comments": [
"body": "Highcharts Stock Demo",
"postId": "1",
"id": 1
"profile": {
"name": "typicode"
Start JSON Server
$ cd eleapps/
$ json-server --watch db.json
Now you can open link http://localhost:3000/post.
If you want to check Unit Test.
$ npm test