aio-cli-plugin-aem-cloud-service-migration 1.1.3
This release includes improvements and bugfixes for the Repository Modernizer, Dispatcher Converter and Index Converter tools.
CLI Plug-in
- Allow users of the CLI to provide a local config instead of only one global one
Bug Fixes:
- CQ-4321083: [Repo-modernizer] Core and Frontend Module not getting transformed in Repo Modernizer
Dispatcher Converter:
New features and Enhancements:
- CQ-4321146:[Dispatcher-Convertor] Unable to convert non-standard dispatcher configurations
Bug Fixes:
- CQ-4321398: Fix symlink logic for AMS dispatcher converter
Index Converter:
Bug Fixes:
- CQ-4321487:[Index Converter] Fails when config has no customOakIndexDirectoryPath mentioned
To solidify quality, this release onwards a code coverage check has been implemented on our repos so every PR would be validated against existing code and test coverage.