This is a collection of config and deployments for my home kubernetes cluster, this is a pretty standard K3's cluster running on a couple RK1s.
I'm making use of flux which is a pretty cool tool that allows you to sync your git repo with your kubernetes cluster. If you have a cluster, and are interested in GitOps, I'd highly recommend checking it out.
Flux supports SOPS in particular AGE, you can encrypt your secrets locally with age
and then flux will decrypt them when it applies the manifests. It's amazing that it works so well.
This server largely runs a bunch of home-media stuff, pihole, torrent and a few other bits and pieces. I'll try to keep this list updated as I add more stuff.
- Homarr - A dashboard for my services.
- Jellyfin - A media server.
- Postgres- A database for my media services, Radarr and Sonarr don't work well natively on clusters.
- Jellyseer - A request system for Jellyfin.
- Notifarr - A cluster notification system.
- Prowlarr - A manager for torrent indexers.
- Radarr - A movie request system.
- Sonarr - A TV request system.
- Transmission - A torrent client.
- Samba - A file server.
- Pihole - A network wide ad blocker and DNS server.
- Swaparr - Automatically kills stalled torrents.
I'm using a Turing Pi 2 as the main board of my cluster.
In it's slots, I'm also running four 16gb Turing RK1's.
If you've any questions, or want to pick my brain about this cluster, feel free to contact me on discord at 1Solon, or open an issue on the GitHub.