A simple multiplayer implementation of the classic arcade game, Battleship with a Game of Thrones theme. The implementation is purely based on NodeJS, SocketIO, Express and HTML(with some CSS Magic).
Clone this repository using git clone.
$ git clone https://github.com/adityavavre/Battleship.git
To Install NPM and NodeJS follow the steps given in the link below
for Ubuntu :- https://websiteforstudents.com/install-the-latest-node-js-and-nmp-packages-on-ubuntu-16-04-18-04-lts/
for Windows :- https://blog.teamtreehouse.com/install-node-js-npm-windows
To Install MySQL follow the steps given in the link below
for Ubuntu :- https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-the-latest-mysql-on-ubuntu-16-04
for Windows :- http://www.mysqltutorial.org/install-mysql/
After installing MySQL you need to create a schema called users and a table in it named myusers myusers is a table containing columns userID(text), pass(text), wins(int), losses(int), rating(int) You also need to edit the username and password for the MySQL server.
go to the directory and run node app.js
$ cd cs251project-master
$ npm install
$ node app.js
go to http://localhost:3000 in browser, register and login, find online users and send invitations and enjoy the game.
- Arjit Jain
- Aditya Vavre
- Devki Nandan Malav