Natural Language Toolkit built using the C Programming Language.
You can use NLPC simply by including the main header file:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "nlpc.h"
int main(){
Alternatively, you can include only the utilities desired
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "stemmer.h"
#include "preprocess.h"
int main(){
- stdio
- stdlib
- limits
- stdbool
- string
char *lower(char *str)
Converts all characters of passed string to lowercase
- char *str :String which is to be converted to lowercase.
Returns char * with all characters in lower case
char *in = "Convert This String To LOWER case";
char *out = lower(in);
char *upper(char *str)
Converts all characters of passed string to uppercase
- char *str: String which is to be converted to uppercase.
Returns char * with all characters in upper case.
char *in = "Convert This String To UPPER case";
char *out = upper(in);
char *trim(char *str)
Removes spaces, newline character('\n') and tab space('\t') from either end of the passed string str.
- char *str: String from which extra space is to be removed.
Returns char* with extra spaces removed.
char *in = "\t\t\n Remove spaces and newline character from this string\t\t\n";
char *out = trim(in);
char *removeStopwords(char *str)
Removes stopwords from any given string and returns the modified string
- char *str: String from which stopwords are to be removed.
Returns char* with stopwords removed.
char *in = " Remove all the stopwords present in this string";
char *out = removeStopwords(in);
char *removeSymbols(char *str)
Removes any kind of symbols from a string and returns modified string.
- char *str: String from which the symbols are to be removed.
- char *str: String from which all kinds of symbols have been removed.
char *in = "Remove, the symbols ? from this.sentence!";
char *out = removeSymbols(in);
char *removeContractions(char *str)
Removes contractions( like aren't,can't,don't, etc..) from any given string and returns the modified string
- char *str: String from which contractions are to be removed.
Returns: char *: String from which contractions have been removed.
char *in = "This sentence can't have contractions. Don't worry I'll use the function to remove them";
char *out = removeContractions(in);
int levenshteinDistance(char *str1, char *str2)
Calculates the Levenshtein distance between two words, where Levenshtein distance is defined as the minimum number of single character changes(insertions,deletions,substitutions ) required to change one word into another.
- char *str1: First word, char *str2 : Second word.
Returns: int which is the Levenshtein distance between char *str1 and char *str2
char *str1 = "scam";
char *str2 = "spam";
int levenshtein_dist = levenshteinDistance(str1,str2);
char *char_ngram(char *s,int n)
Returns character n-grams with n continuous characters grouped together.
- Parameters:
char *s: string from which n-grams are to be formed
int n: Number of continuous characters to be grouped together.
Returns: char * : The n-grams seperated by newline
char *s = "Awesome" ;
char *ngram = char_ngram(s,3);
char *word_ngram(char *s, int n)
Returns word n-grams with n continuous words grouped together.
char *s: string from which word level n-grams are to be formed
int n: Number of continuous words to be grouped together
Returns char * : The word level n-grams seperated by newline.
char *s = " Make Bigrams from this sentence using the word_ngram function";
char *ngram = word_ngram(s,2);
char *removeSentenceSeparators(char *corpus)
Removes sentence separators such as '.','!','?','\n' from the input text.
- char *corpus: The text from which the sentence separators are to be removed.
Returns char *: Text with the sentence separators removed.
char *corpus = " This is the first sentence! This is the second one? And this is the third sentence.";
char *no_seperators = removeSentenceSeparators(corpus);
char *getSentenceSeparators(char *corpus)
Gives a list of sentence separators in the document.
- char *corpus: The text from which the sentence seperators are to be retrieved.
Returns char *: String containing the sentence separators in the document.
char *corpus = " This is the first sentence! This is the second one? And this is the third sentence.";
char *seperators = getSentenceSeparators(corpus);
LEMMATIZER *lemmatizer();
Initialises the lemmatizer object
- Returns LEMMATIZER *: lemmatizer object
LEMMATIZER *lemmatizer_object = lemmatizer();
char *lemmatize(LEMMATIZER *graph, char *str);
Lemmatizes a word and returns the resulting word4
LEMMATIZER *graph: Lemmatizer object returned by lemmatizer() function.
char *str: String to be lemmatized.
Returns char *: Lemmatized string.
LEMMATIZER *lemmatizer_obj = lemmatizer();
char *str = "Dogs";
char *out = lemmatize(lemmatizer_obj,str);
char *stem(char *str)
Implementation of the Porter2 Stemmer or the Snowball Stemmer.Returns the stemmed word.
- char *str: String to be stemmed/
Returns: char *: Stemmed string.
char *in = "cars"
char *out = stem(in);
double term_frequency(char *word, char *document)
Obtain the scaled term frequency of a word in a document
- char *word: the word whose frequency is to be found
- char *document: The document from which the frequency of char *word is to be found
Returns double: The scaled frequency of the word in a document.
char *document = "Find the scaled frequency of the word frequency in this document.";
char *word = "frequency";
double frequency = term_frequency(word,document);
int numberOfDocuments(char *corpus);
Find the number of documents in a corpus.Documents are separated by a \n.
- char *corpus: String with the documents separated by \n.
Returns int: number of documents in a corpus.
char *corpus = " This is the first document\nThis is the second one\nAnd this is the third one";
int n = numberOfDocuments(corpus);
double document_frequency(char *word, char *corpus)
Obtain the document frequency of a word (the number of documents containing the word) in a corpus.Documents are separated by \n.
- char *word: Word whose document frequency is to be found,
- char *corpus: string with all documents separated by newline \n.
Returns double document_frequency: The document frequency of the word.
char *word = "document";
char *corpus = "This is document one\nThis is document two\nThis is document three\nAnd this is document four";
double df = document_frequency(word,corpus);
double inverse_document_frequency(char *word, char *corpus, int n, bool use_idf, bool smooth_idf)
Obtain the inverse document frequency of a word in a corpus
- char *word: Word whose idf is to be found,
- char *corpus: String with all the documents separated by newline,
- int n: The number of documents in the corpus,
- bool use_idf: Enable inverse-document-frequency reweighting,
- bool smooth_idf:Smooth idf weights by adding one to document frequencies, as if an extra document was seen containing every term in the collection exactly once. Prevents zero divisions.
Returns double: the inverse document frequency of a word in a corpus
char *word = "document";
char *corpus = "This is document one\nThis is document two\nThis is document three\nAnd this is document four";
double idf = inverse_document_frequency(word,corpus);
TFIDF *tfidfVectorizer()
Initialises the tfidfVectorizer
- Returns TFIDF * : the tfidfvectorizer object
TFIDF *vectorizer = tfidfVectorizer();
void tfidfFitVocabulary(TFIDF *vectorizer, char *corpus)
Fit the vocabulary of a tfidf vectorizer to a corpus
- Parameters:
- TFIDF *vectorizer: tfidfVectorizer object returned by tfidfVectorizer,
- char *corpus: The corpus to which the vocabulary of the tfidf vectorizer is to be fit.
char *corpus = "This is document one\nThis is document two\nThis is document three\nAnd this is document four";
double ** tfidfTransform(TFIDF *vectorizer, char *corpus, bool use_idf, bool smooth_idf)
Transform a corpus into a tfidf matrix.Vectorizer must be initially fit with a vocabulary
- TFIDF *vectorizer: tfidfVectorizer object returned by tfidfVectorizer
- char *corpus: The corpus to which the vocabulary of the tfidf vectorizer is to be fit.
- bool use_idf: Enable inverse-document-frequency reweighting,
- bool smooth_idf:Smooth idf weights by adding one to document frequencies, as if an extra document was seen containing every term in the collection exactly once. Prevents zero divisions.
Returns double ** : The tfidf matrix.
char *corpus = "This is document one\nThis is document two\nThis is document three\nAnd this is document four";
tfidf_matrix = tfidfTransform(vectorizer,corpus,TRUE,TRUE);
double **tfidfFitTransform(TFIDF *vectorizer, char *corpus, bool use_idf, bool smooth_idf)
Fit a vectorizer with a vocabulary and then transform the vocabulary into a tfidf matrix.Equivalent to first fitting the vocabulary with tfidfFitVocabulary() followed by transforming the same corpus with tfidfTransform()
- TFIDF *vectorizer: tfidfVectorizer object returned by tfidfVectorizer
- char *corpus: The corpus to which the vocabulary of the tfidf vectorizer is to be fit.
- bool use_idf: When TRUE, Enable inverse-document-frequency reweighting,
- bool smooth_idf:When TRUE, Smooth idf weights by adding one to document frequencies, as if an extra document was seen containing every term in the collection exactly once. Prevents zero divisions.
Returns double ** : The tfidf matrix.
char *corpus = "This is document one\nThis is document two\nThis is document three\nAnd this is document four";
tfidf_matrix = tfidfFitTransform(vectorizer,corpus,TRUE,TRUE);
void destroyTfidfModel(TFIDF *vectorizer)
Destroy the tfidf vectorizer and free up memory
char *summarize(char *doc, bool avg, int K)
- char *doc : The document to be summarized
- bool avg : When set to TRUE, calculates average score for sentences to choose sentences
- int K: number of sentences in the summary
Returns: char *: The summarized document.
char *doc = "This is first line of the document to be summarized.This is another line.And this is the third line";
char *summary = summarize(doc,TRUE,2);
EMBEDDING *createModel();
Allocate memory for model object and initalize all variables
EMBEDDING *model = createModel();
void extractEmbeddings(EMBEDDING *model)
Get final word embeddings from the trained model
- Parameters: EMBEDDING * model returned by the createModel() function.
void train(EMBEDDING *model, char *corpus, int C, int N, float alpha, int epochs, int random_state, bool save);
Create vocabulary from corpus, initialize hyperparameters and start the training loop
- Parameters:
- EMBEDDING * model returned by the createModel() function,
- char * corpus: The corpus on which the word2vec model is to be trained,
- int C: The context width,
- int N: output dimension,
- float alpha: The learning rate,
- int epochs: The number of epochs,
- int random_state: the seed to the random number generator,
- bool save: When TRUE saves the model.
EMBEDDING *model = createModel();
char* corpus = "This is sentence one. This is sentence two.This is sentence three.And this is sentence four";