An Extremely Minimal PHP/Javascript chat system. Easy to deploy, Easy to manage, Easy to use.
Easy Setup! Deployment requires cloning this repository to a PHP server.
Easy To Use Users are prompted for their name and
Anonymous Chat users are not forced to log in so they are effectively anonymous.
Non-Anonymous Clear When someone clears the chat, their IP is displayed to encourage them to chat more.
HTML Forbidden All HTML tags are stripped so the chat is safe.
Auto Link Automatically link http(s), ftp and others.
Pick a room You can add ?room=myRoom to the query string and choose a new room
Notifications When a user action occurs, a pleasent ding is played
Text Document The chat is a rolling text file on the filesystem
Header Checking Rather than waste bandwidth, chat is only updated when required.
You can find an example at
You can find an embedded example at