To enable both wired and wireless monitoring of ESP8266.
Not tested with ESP32.
Using the excellent Arduino core for ESP8266 WiFi chip api.
Initialize Serial and/or udp and call any of the below optional members to enable corresponding logger.
void begin_serial(HardwareSerial* Serial)
void begin_udp(WiFiUDP udp, IPAddress client_ip, uint16_t port)
Then use logger as a standard Arduino stream class (Serial etc.).
logger.printf("integer %d", i);
And messages will optionally be shown in serial and UDP-monitor.
See main.cpp for example usage. Fixed client (listener) ip is used but it is possible to dynamically add ip listener. This can be done by calling udp.remoteIP() on a packet sent by listener, and then calling below member.
void begin_udp(WiFiUDP udp, IPAddress client_ip, uint16_t port)
To monitor udp port 1234 on Ubuntu use
netcat -lu 1234