Arch related dotfiles adapted from: see branch old_macOS_mylinuxforwork
Most recent arch dotfiles are now in their own repo archdotfiles
Repo here is specifically for use for either macOS and using neovim on windows
Current setup works on macOS so need to check paths on windows!! e.g.
(macOS) =C:/Users/*name*
(windows) e.g.~/.config
(macOS) =C:/Users/*name*/AppData/local
(windows) -
For windows the installation will involve extra tinkering and likely the removal of some plugins (e.g. image.lua)
Ngram database downloaded from here: Ngram database
Current set-up for writing notes uses a mixture of the following:
- Native nvim spell checking
- Vale - for grammar checking
Harper - for grammar checking(removed harper as its bloat. May switch back to since ltex-ls uses quite some resources)- Ltexls - for grammar checking (and some spelling)