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Releases: acquia/blt


05 Oct 23:34
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Full Changelog

Notable changes

  • The hosting: acsf variable has been removed. It is no longer necessary. Please update your acsf module via composer update drupal/acsf --with-dependencies and rerun blt acsf:init.
  • A composer nuke command has been added as an expedient for resolving dependency conflicts.
  • You may now define cm.features.bundle in project.yml. This permits you to specify the features bundle for which config will be imported during a site install. This is helpful if you'd like to avoid importing new Lightning (or other) configuration.

Implemented enhancements:

Misc merged pull requests


27 Sep 19:50
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Notable changes

  • This release prevents a known issue with upgrades to drupal/console 1.0.0-rc1 by pinning to 1.0.0-beta5. If you find that your builds begin to fail due to a drupal/console issue, upgrade BLT!
  • This release fixes bug in ACE settings configuration, which was introduced in 8.4.4.
  • Docroot detection via drush.wrapper has been removed. It simply caused too many unexpected issues with VMs and remote alias docroots. You will now need to use an alias or execute drush commands from the docroot directory.
  • Drupal VM integration has been greatly improved.
    • A single blt vm command will now check requirements, initialize, and boot a VM. vm:init has been deprecated.
    • VM integration has been refactored to better support multiple, simultaneous LAMP stacks for a single project.
    • The doctor command has been expanded to verify your Drupal VM configuration.
    • PhantomJS will now be re-installed automatically if BLT detects that it is no compatible with your operating system.
    • BLT will now verify that your Behat local.yml contains valid file paths before executing tests.
  • Cog (formerly Nimbus) has been added as a default dependency, though no further integration yet exists.
  • You may now choose to disable any BLT target via project.yml configuration.

Implemented enhancements:

  • Improved DX with DrupalVM #441
  • Remote Drush commands from BLT repo root #426
  • Allow targets to be disabled in project.yml #290
  • Updating docs to indicate PHP BZ2 extension requirement. #464 (grasmash)
  • Improving Behat + Drupal VM integration. #462 (grasmash)
  • Adding cog as a default dependency. #460 (grasmash)
  • Hiding more targets from list. #459 (grasmash)
  • Closes #290: Allow targets to be disabled in project.yml. #458 (grasmash)
  • Resolves #441: Improving DX of DrupalVM integration #457 (grasmash)
  • Adding setup:settings target. #451 (grasmash)
  • Hiding subtargets from blt command list. #449 (grasmash)
  • Running all drush commands from docroot in case alias is unset. #448 (grasmash)
  • Add documentation covering wikimedia/composer-merge-plugin. #447 (jrbeeman)
  • Adding more files to deprecated files list for cleanup command. #445 (grasmash)
  • Removing composer checks from BLT. Composer is assumed. #444 (grasmash)
  • Adding VM config checks to the doctor. #443 (grasmash)
  • Remove root detection to allow drush to run remotely #438 (steveworley)
  • Making doctor command more verbose for checking correct config. #437 (grasmash)
  • Adding metadata to composer.json. #436 (grasmash)
  • Prompt for deploy properties #434 (steveworley)
  • Adding ascii art to blt command list. #433 (grasmash)

Fixed bugs:

  • Fixing bug in Doctor's VM config check. #465 (grasmash)
  • Pinning Drupal Console to 1.0.0-beta5 to prevent bug in RC1. #463 (grasmash)
  • Passes repo.root into filterFileListByFileSet target #446 (steveworley)
  • Update blt.settings.php ACE/ACSF logic #431 (dpagini)

Misc merged pull requests


20 Sep 15:34
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Implemented enhancements:

  • Improving doctor output on brand-new sites. #429 (grasmash)

Misc merged pull requests

  • Suggesting hirak/prestissimo in composer.json. #430 (grasmash)


20 Sep 13:23
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Notable changes

  • A new blt doctor command has been added. This will help diagnose any local configuration issues with your project and suggest solutions. Try it out!

Implemented enhancements:

  • Change order of running updates and config imports #419
  • Adding check for blt.settings.php in factory hooks to doctor. #428 (grasmash)
  • Delete protect_env.php.example #422 (dpagini)
  • 419: Added another Config import before Database updates are executed. #420 (vaibhavjain-in)
  • Expanding doctor command. #417 (grasmash)
  • Adding doctor command. #415 (grasmash)
  • Update filesystem.settings.php for ACSF #411 (dpagini)

Fixed bugs:

  • README from blt-project is created on project creation #421
  • Fixes #423: Prevent overwrite of factory-hooks and FeatureContext.php. #427 (grasmash)
  • Fixing blt symlink for deployment testing. #425 (grasmash)
  • Bugfix for ACSF db name. #418 (lcatlett)

Closed issues:

  • Updating BLT with composer #423


15 Sep 20:30
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Notable changes:

  • BLT will now attempt to install the blt alias when the composer package is installed.
  • The deployment artifact now has an optimized autoloader, which should dramatically improve site performance.

Implemented enhancements:

  • Optimizing autoload for artifact. #409 (grasmash)
  • Separating setup:drush from setup:drupal:settings. #407 (grasmash)
  • Adding test for Pipelines integration. #406 (grasmash)
  • Update behat/mink to ~1.7 (v1.6.0 -> v1.7.1), upgrade lightning to ~8 (1.03 -> 1.04) #405 (balsama)
  • Installing alias automatically. #404 (grasmash)
  • Removing blt init from more places. #403 (grasmash)

Fixed bugs:

  • Adding patches dir back to artifact. #402 (grasmash)
  • Removing POST_INSTALL_CMD event from BLT composer plugin. #401 (grasmash)

Misc merged pull requests


15 Sep 00:59
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Notable changes

  • Travis CI support is no longer enabled by default. You must run ci:travis:init to create a .travis.yml file for new projects. Likewise, you may run ci:pipelines:init to initialize Pipelines support.
  • A new blt cleanup target will now remove deprecated BLT files from your project. This is "opt-in" only and will not be performed automatically.

Implemented enhancements:

Fixed bugs:

Misc merged pull requests


14 Sep 00:34
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Notable Changes

  • BLT's init, configure, and update targets are now deprecated. Running composer install acquia/blt or composer update acquia/blt will now automatically execute the required BLT targets.
  • There is now a composer blt-alias command available for quickly installing the blt alias.

Implemented enhancements:

  • BLT presumes sites/default, complicates multisite settings #380
  • Automate execution of blt update after composer update #341
  • Install BLT alias automatically for developers #284
  • Making vm:init task more verbose. #376 (grasmash)
  • Replacing external Phing random string task with internal one. #375 (grasmash)
  • Added search modules #374 (danepowell)
  • Chmod settings.php to 644 instead of 755 #370 (bkosborne)
  • Fixes #341 #284: Automating alias installation and template updates. #368 (grasmash)

Fixed bugs:

  • fatal: A branch named 'master-build' already exists. #381
  • Fixing multiple deployment target bug. #373 (grasmash)
  • Revert "Modify deploy phing to enable multiple environment deployments." #372 (grasmash)
  • Modify deploy phing to enable multiple environment deployments. #363 (marksakurada)

Closed issues:

  • Move all common settings files to sites/all/settings #147

Misc merged pull requests


09 Sep 01:39
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Notable changes

BLT's default settings files have been moved out of the project template and into vendor/acquia/blt/settings. This may be a backwards incompatible change for your project, requiring manual modification of settings.php and your project's custom settings files. As a result of this change, you must move acquia/blt from require-dev to require in your composer.json file.

Any default value defined in BLT's default settings file may still be overridden in your own custom settings.php file.

Implemented enhancements:

  • local-sync.xml tasks should use drush instead of exec and aliases #56
  • Bolt should adhere to verbose options and not hardcode them #36
  • Removing extraneous base.settings.php. #367 (grasmash)
  • Fixes #36, #56: Making DrushTask conform to Phing verbosity. Converting instances to . #366 (grasmash)
  • Making repetitive messages less verbose. #365 (grasmash)
  • Moving default settings files out of template. #364 (grasmash)
  • Adding patches and tmp to deploy excludes #362 (dpagini)


02 Sep 18:42
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Implemented enhancements:

Fixed bugs:

  • drush problem with deploy:acsf:init #356
  • VM Initialization (./ vm:init) freezes in terminal when copying drush aliases #241
  • Fixing bug in blt init #360 (grasmash)
  • Fixes #356: deploy:acsf:init uses wrong docroot. #357 (grasmash)

Merged pull requests:


01 Sep 18:21
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Notable changes

  • Acquia Pipelines integration has been added!
  • Drupal VM integration has been improved.
  • BLT PHPUnit tests have been moved to the vendor directory
  • BLT git hooks have been moved to the vendor directory

Full Changelog since 8.3.1

Implemented enhancements:

  • Move tests/phpunit/Bolt tests into /tests #295
  • NPM management of deployed front-end libraries #333
  • Add nodejs frontend tools for drupalvm integration #324

Fixed bugs:

  • Configuration written to settings.php during install #345
  • override blt phing target #316
  • drush.wrapper broken by xdebug message #315
  • PHPUnit Tests should load project.local.yml #309

Closed issues:

  • Clean up the Continuous Integration instructions #319

Merged pull requests: