Notable changes
- A new
blt doctor
command has been added. This will help diagnose any local configuration issues with your project and suggest solutions. Try it out!
Implemented enhancements:
- Change order of running updates and config imports #419
- Adding check for blt.settings.php in factory hooks to doctor. #428 (grasmash)
- Delete protect_env.php.example #422 (dpagini)
- 419: Added another Config import before Database updates are executed. #420 (vaibhavjain-in)
- Expanding doctor command. #417 (grasmash)
- Adding doctor command. #415 (grasmash)
- Update filesystem.settings.php for ACSF #411 (dpagini)
Fixed bugs:
- README from blt-project is created on project creation #421
- Fixes #423: Prevent overwrite of factory-hooks and FeatureContext.php. #427 (grasmash)
- Fixing blt symlink for deployment testing. #425 (grasmash)
- Bugfix for ACSF db name. #418 (lcatlett)
Closed issues:
- Updating BLT with composer #423