- Start the mongoDB server using the command
in the terminal - Start the mongoDB interactive shell using the command
on a separate terminal.
NOTE : Sometimes the mongod server is already running in the background in ubuntu. So first just try running the command mentioned in the second step i.e.
. If it doesn't work then start the server and the interactive shell, one after another respectively.
After successfully entering the interactive shell try out the following stuff :
- To create a database enter the command
use db_name
where db_name is the name of the database you want to create. - This command is also used to switch between databases
- Eg:-
use cars
- To view the various databases created enter :-
show dbs
- Result:
admin 0.000GB config 0.000GB local 0.000GB temp 0.000GB
NOTE : The cars db created in the earlier command isn't visible as it has no data in it. Once a collection is created it will be visible on executing the above command.
- To view the database you are currently using enter:-
- Collections are in
what tables are inSQL
. - The only difference is that you don't need to have a defined structure of the column names and the datatype those columns will have in
. - You can directly create a collection without specifying any details of the data that will be entered in it.
- This can be done using the command
- Eg:-
- In
when you make an entry in a collection that entry is called a document i.e. a row in terms ofSQL
- You can insert a document in a collection using the command
- Structure of the data in the example below :-
- brand
- model_name
- type
- engine
- fuel
- cc
- bhp
- color
- safety
- airbag (if airbags isn't present then this field is omitted else its type(i.e. airbag type, for eg:- front/front and rear) is associated with the key)
- sb_warn (seatbelt warning)
- Eg:-
db.car_details.insert( { 'brand': 'chevrolet', 'model_name': 'beat', 'type': 'hatchback', 'engine': { 'fuel': 'petrol', 'cc': 1000, 'bhp': 100 }, 'color': ['red', 'blue', 'green'], 'safety': { 'sb_warn': false }, 'price' : 400000 } )
- You can insert multiple entries in one go by using an array of objects i.e.
- Copy and paste the contents of this file in your terminal.
- The file contains an array of objects containing the car_details.
Fetching data from the documents is done using the
function. -
This returns all the documents in the car_details collection as no parameter was passed as to which filter(s) should be applied.
To get a readable format of the results use the
function -
Eg: -
This returns a properly formatted result of the
- To get the document(s) based on some filters enter the key and the corresponding value as the first parameter to the
function. - Eg:-
- Here we want to get the details of the cars of type sedan
db.car_details.find({ 'type' : 'sedan' }).pretty()
- You could relate this type of filtering to the WHERE clause in
- Comparison operators can be used to filter documents in monogDB using the following specifiers:-
- $gt = greater than
- $gte = greater than equal to
- $lt = less than
- $lte = less than equal to
- $ne = not equal to
- Eg:- ($lte)
db.car_details.find({ 'price' : { '$lte' : 500000 } }).pretty()
Logical operators can be used to filter documents in mongoDB using the following specifications:-
- $or = OR operation
- $and = AND operation
Eg:- (AND)
db.car_details.find({'$and' : [ { 'type' : 'sedan' }, { 'price' : { '$gte' : 500000 } } ]}).pretty()
Notice that the following command will also output the same result as the previous, this is because the default operation in case of multiple filters is an AND operation.
Eg:- (AND)(without the $and specifier)
db.car_details.find({ 'type' : 'sedan' , 'price' : { '$gte' : 500000 } }).pretty()
Eg:- (OR)
db.car_details.find({'$or': [ { 'type' : 'sedan' }, { 'price' : { '$gte' : 500000 } } ]}).pretty()
- Sort function can be used to sort the result of the query based on a key
- For ascending set the value of the key to 1 and for descending set it to -1
- Eg:- SORT (desc)
db.car_details.find().sort( {'price' : -1} ).pretty()
- To limit the no. of results of the query, send the no of results to be displayed as a parameter to the limit function
- Eg:-
- To just display the no of results that the query will output the
function can be used - Eg:-
- To just display the no of results that the query will output the
- To check whether a key exists in the documents in the collections the $exists specifier
- Eg:-
db.car_details.find({ 'safety.airbags': {'$exists' : true} }).pretty()
- Regular expressions can also be used to find entries having a pattern using the $regex specifier
- Eg:-
db.car_details.find({ 'model_name' : { $regex: /^e/ } }).pretty()
- There are 3 functions associated to updation of documents in mongoDB :-
- This method is used to update the first matching document based on the filters provided
- Eg:-
db.car_details.updateOne( { 'model_name' : 'cruze' }, { '$set' : { 'price' : 1500000 } } )
- This method is used to update all the matching documents based on the filters provided
- Eg:-
db.car_details.updateMany( { }, { '$rename' : { 'body_type' : 'type' } } )
- This method is used to update the first matching document based on the filters provided
- Eg:-
db.car_details.replaceOne( { 'model_name' : 'jazz' }, { 'brand': 'honda', 'model_name': 'jazz', 'type': 'hatchback', 'engine': { 'fuel': 'diesel', 'cc': 1150, 'bhp': 115 }, 'color': ['silver','orange','white'], 'safety': { 'airbags' : 'front', 'sb_warn': true }, 'price' : 750000 } )
- One or many documents can be deleted in mongoDb using the following commands:-
- This method deletes the first document that matches the conditions specified
- Eg:-
db.car_details.deleteOne( { 'model_name' : 'city' } )
This method deletes the all the documents that match the conditions specified. If no condition is specified then all documents in the collection are deleted.
db.car_details.deleteMany( { 'body_type' : 'suv' } )
- To delete a collection enter
- Eg:-
- To delete the database you are currently working on, enter :-
NOTE : The official documentation is more than sufficient to get a hold of both basic and advanced concepts in mongoDB as it has an exhaustive no. of examples associated with every functionality. So, it is recommended to first have a look at the documentation before searching for a tutorial.