Slicer extension for the Chest Imaging Platform
For a compilation of SlicerCIP you need to fork and compile 3D Slicer locally. This has to be done only once.
set the SLICER_FOLDER variable, for instance to $HOME/slicer/SlicerRelease/Slicer-build
mkdir ../SlicerCIP-build
cd ../SlicerCIP-build
cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD:STRING=17 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Release -DSlicer_DIR=${SLICER_FOLDER}/SlicerRelease/Slicer-build ../SlicerCIP
- Fork 3D Slicer into "C:\D\S5"
- Build 3D Slicer into "C:\D\S5R"
- Fork this repository into "C:\D" as "SlicerCIP"
- Create a file "make_slicercip.bat" in "C:\D" folder with the following content:
set startTime=%time%
mkdir "C:\D\SlicerCIP-build"
cd "C:\D\SlicerCIP-build"
cmake -DSlicer_DIR="C:\D\S5R\Slicer-build" "C:\D\SlicerCIP"
timeout /t 10
' must run this two times for unknown reasons to create SlicerCIP.sln
cmake -DSlicer_DIR="C:\D\S5R\Slicer-build" "C:\D\SlicerCIP"
echo Start Time: %startTime%
echo Finish Time: %time%
- Run "make_slicercip.bat" by double-clicking it
- Open Visual Studio 2022
- load "C:\D\SlicerCIP-build\SlicerCIP.sln"
- build "ALL_BUILD"
Start 3D Slicer go -> "Edit" -> "Application settings" -> "Modules" -> "Additional module paths"
Include the following paths:
Restart Slicer and test.
${SLICER_FOLDER}/Slicer --additional-module-path ${PWD}/lib/Slicer-4.2/qt-loadable-modules --python-script ${PWD}/../SlicerCIP/Loadable/AirwayModule/Testing/Python/
- There is a hack in the vtkMRMLAirwayStorageNode::ReadDataInternal to copy the Hessians from the field data to the active tensors on the point data of the poly data. This should be revised after the format is verified
- The Hessians visualized should be inverted before given to the TensorGlyph visualization