A Reactive Wrapper over the Typesafe Config library that allows to get the latest refreshed configuration. As soon as the configuration file under watch of this library changes, a fresh configuration is loaded for you automatically without having to restart the application. This library takes advantage of reactive solutions such as Akka actor.
sbt dependency:
libraryDependencies += "com.github.achelimed" %% "reactive-config" % "{version}"
Just mix with the ReactiveConfigurable trait that provides some utility functions to leverage this library at ease.
import com.github.achelimed.reactiveconfig.ReactiveConfig
import com.github.achelimed.reactiveconfig.utils.implicits.FutureDefaultValues._
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
class Foo(reactiveConfig: ReactiveConfig)(implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext) {
val value: Future[String] = reactiveConfig.getString("key") orDefault "this_is_a_default_value"
value foreach println
By default, this library watches the application.conf file and reloads the config from that only when changes made to the same.
If you want to reload the config from another file, use system properties as follows (as allowed by the Typesafe Config library).
In this case, the reactive-config lib listens the changes in the provided file.
If you want to reload the configuration when a configuration file other than the principal configuration file (i.e. application.conf) changes (batch mode),
in that case you should override the reactive-config.file-watcher.path
key in your principal config file or use a system property as shown below
reactive-config {
file-watcher {
path = "whatever/you/want/watch.me"
and you have to touch
this file or apply the reactiveConfig.reload()
If you are constrained to deal without Future
s, reactive-config allows you to get the values
from the initial config loaded when the application first started
val value: String = Try { reactiveConfig.Initial.getString("key") } getOrElse "default-value"