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UML Drawing Elements

Ruben Bramasco edited this page Aug 20, 2021 · 15 revisions


Below are the CSS attributes and raw submitted answers for the UML drawing elements. There are several examples of using the drawing elements in questions here. You can also check out the docs for the Python classes here.

CSS Attributes

These are the CSS attributes that can be assigned to the UML drawing elements in the HTML file.


<pl-uml-class> class-name="Enter Text" grid-size="20" class-name-editable="true"></pl-uml-class>
<pl-drawing-button type="pl-uml-class" class-name="Enter Text" grid-size="20" class-name-editable="true"></pl-drawing-button>
Attribute Name Type Default Description
width float 200 Horizontal width of the canvas (in pixels).
height float 100 Vertical width of the canvas (in pixels).
class-name string -- Name of UML Class
top float 100 Y coordinate of UML class
left float 100 X coordinate of UML class
starting-attributes list of strings [] Starting attributes in UML class
starting-methods list of strings [] Starting methods in UML class
uml-text-font float 15 Font size of attributes and methods
start-attr-editable boolean false If true, starting attributes can be edited
start-mthd-editable boolean false If true, starting methods can be edited
class-name-editable boolean false If true, UML class name can be edited
grid-size int 0 Grid size of canvas, if you want the UML class to snap to grid
selectable boolean true If true, the UML class can be moved by user


<pl-drawing-button type="pl-uml-text" coordinates="[50, 50]" font-size="15" starting-text="+ Method() : type" text-type="method"></pl-drawing-button>
Attribute Name Type Default Description
coordinates List of float -- X and Y coordinates of uml-text format: "[2, 2]" (commas and spaces matter)
font-size float -- Font size of text
starting-text string -- Starting text, before user edits
text-type string -- The type of text. "method" or "attribute" are the only values


<pl-drawing-button type="pl-poly-line" dashed="true" uml-line-type="composition" grid-size="20"></pl-drawing-button>
<pl-drawing-button type="pl-poly-line" grid-size="20"></pl-drawing-button>
Attribute Name Type Default Description
umlLineType string Default Type of UML line.
nodes list of dict [{"left": 200, "top": 200},{"left": 340, "top": 200},{"left": 380, "top": 200},] Coordinates of each vertex.
end1Shape and end2Shape string "circle" Type of shape at the endpoint ex. "triangle"
end1Fill and end1Fill string "black" Fill color of endpoint
dashed boolean Default True if dashed
grid-size int 0 Grid size of canvas, if you want the vertices to snap to the grid


<pl-drawing-button type="pl-constraint" constraint-type="1..1" coordinates="[200, 200]"></pl-drawing-button>
<pl-drawing-button type="pl-constraint" constraint-type="1..*" coordinates="[200, 200]"></pl-drawing-button>
<pl-drawing-button type="pl-constraint" constraint-type="0..1" coordinates="[200, 200]"></pl-drawing-button>
<pl-drawing-button type="pl-constraint" constraint-type="0..*" coordinates="[200, 200]"></pl-drawing-button>
Attribute Name Type Default Description
constraint-type string -- Type of constraint. Values: "1..1", "1..", "0..1", "0.."
coordinates list of float -- X and Y coordinates of uml-text format: "[2, 2]" (commas and spaces matter)

Submitted Answers

These are the important submitted answers data that can be retrieved from a student submission. These are not extensive, if you would like to see a the full submitted answer you can turn on debug mode on a specific question and look under associated data. You will see the JSON data under the name of your PL-drawing CSS tag.

Base custom element

Each custom element will have the following in it's submitted answer.

Attribute Name type Description
id int Id of element
gradingName string Type of PL element


Attribute Name type Description
className int The name of the UML class.
attributes int Attributes in the UML class.
methods string Methods in the UML class.


Attribute Name type Description
snapData list of int Ids of object snapped to. Goes in the order [end1, end2], null is placed in either position if not snapped to an object.
vertices list of dict Coordinates of each vertex.
umlLineType string Type of UML line.
end1Shape and end2Shape string Type of shape at the endpoint ex. "triangle"
end1Fill and end1Fill string Fill color of endpoint (may not always be a hex number)
dashed boolean True if dashed


Attribute Name type Description
constraintType string The type of the key, options are: 1..1, 1..*, 0..1, 0..*
snapData dict A dictionary of id and endpoint. Id of line and which endpoint it is snapped to.

snapData Dictionary for constraint

Attribute Name type Description
id int Id of line snapped to
endpoint int Endpoint snapped to. 0 for left 1 for right.