This repository contains the Dockerfiles and configuration scripts for the Official Couchbase Docker images.
If you are a casual user, you probably don't care about this repo, instead you should head over to one of the Couchbase Dockerhub repositories:
contain generated Dockerfiles + assets -- do not edit -
contains everything needed to generate the Dockerfiles and assets -- everything you want to edit is here
After you change anything under the generate
directory, you should regenerate from the templates.
$ cd <project-dir>/generate/generator
$ go run generate.go <project-dir>
Where <project-dir>
is the absolute path to the directory where you checked out this repo, for example: /Users/tleyden/Development/couchbase-docker
Expected output:
2015/04/24 15:41:40 generateDockerfile called with: {community couchbase-server 2.2.0}
2015/04/24 15:41:41 generateDockerfile called with: {community couchbase-server 3.0.1}
2015/04/24 15:41:41 generateDockerfile called with: {community sync-gateway 1.0.4}
2015/04/24 15:41:41 generateDockerfile called with: {enterprise couchbase-server 2.5.2}
2015/04/24 15:41:41 generateDockerfile called with: {enterprise couchbase-server 3.0.2}
2015/04/24 15:41:41 Successfully finished!
At this point, you should push your changes to github.
Create directory
Suppose you want to create a docker image for the newly released Couchbase Server version 9.0.0:
$ cd <project-dir>/enterprise/couchbase-server
$ mkdir 9.0.0
Regerate from templates
See instructions above.
Push to github
Commit and push to github
Kick off dockerhub build
Login to dockerhub (you need to be on the couchbase team for this step) and create a new build that corresponds to that directory, and enter a matching tag, eg:
- Branch: master
- Dockerfile Location: /enterprise/couchbase-server/3.1.3
- Docker Tag Name: enterprise-3.1.3
If the package binaries are not available on, this is an alternative way of generating the dockerfile.
Create the directory you want: eg
Upload the binary package to a publicly available location. (see existing entries)
Update the
function ingenerate.go
to add a new version customization to the list, following suit w/ the existing one(s), and pointing to the binary package url from the previous step. -
Regenerate as usual
Verify that the generated dockerfile has the customized package url.