A simple windows application built to add logo to an image. What make's this application unique is that the user can drop a folder and it would add logo to all images in the folder.
The setup.exe file can be download from here, simply run the setup file to install the software.
The following libraries were used in this project:
- PyQt5
Download the requirements.txt file and while in virtual environment
pip install -r requirements.txt
Pyqt5 supports Python 3.5- 3.9
There are 2 ways of adding a file. Either by dragging and dropping the file or Selecting it from the directory using the import button.
The user can drag and drop to the application directly.
User can also drag and drop a directory instead of a file to process the entire directory
The user can drag and drop an entire directory to process multiple image files in one go.
User is given 2 setting options, logo setting and image setting.
User are not required to add logo as it is optional. If they do not want the logo to appear, they simply have to set logo size width or height to 0. If they wish to have a logo, they have to select a logo followed by the size and position.
As of now the project is deemed complete and in the future this is all I would like to work on:
- Drag and drop for logo settings.
- Have a feature to maintain logo aspect ratio
- Have the ability to change the position of the logo by dragging it.
- Add more features to change logo and background.