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Velvet 🔍 ✅

Vertex AI Search Verfication Tool


Coz testing manually is hard, boring and no fun!


  • Generates offline ranking metrics for Vertex AI Search. Takes a csv file with search queries and expected results to produce:
    • Summary Precision: semantically match using PaLM2 text-bison
    • Precision@0, Mean Average Precision (mAP), Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR), Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (NDCG).
    • Overall Summary precision and MRR with the ability to fail the script if these metrics fall below a specified threshold.
  • Single Bash script vlvt with minimal dependencies so its easy to use in the most restricted evironments.
  • Easy to make changes and integrate into your workflow for automated acceptance testing.
  • Output to CSV, JSONL and to a human readable table format in the terminal for easy debugging.


  • Currently only supports unstructured search.
  • Uses summary and first 2 documents search results to generate metrics.


The folliwng use the Alphabet annual reports and 10K filings. See this link on how to set it up.

Batch search AND verify with input file verify_test_with_prompt.csv containing search queries with expected results and output results to a csv file.

./vlvt verify test/data/verify_test_with_prompt.csv --format=csv > verify_results.csv

Output as table format for humans

./vlvt verify test/data/verify_test_with_prompt.csv -f=table

Batch search with input file batch_test_with_prompt.txt containing search queries and output a table.

./vlvt bsearch test/datatest/data/batch_test_with_prompt.txt -f=csv > batch_results.csv

Single search with table output.

./vlvt search "You are expert financial analyst. Be terse. Answer the question with minimal facts. What is Google's revenue for year ending 2022?" --format=table

Single search with csv output.

./vlvt search "You are expert financial analyst. Be terse. Answer the question with minimal facts. What is Google's revenue for year ending 2022?" --format=csv > batch_output.csv

Single search with jsonl output

./vlvt search "You are expert financial analyst. Be terse. Answer the question with minimal facts. What is Google's revenue for year ending 2022?" -f=jsonl > batch_output.jsonl



  • bash shell v4+
  • curl
  • jq
  • gcloud
  • Linux or macOS

Clone this repo or just copy the vlvt to your local machine with bash support. Open termnial and change the permission to make it executable

chmod +x ./vlvt


  1. For MacOS users please ensure you have bash v4+ installed. To check run
bash --version

To upgrade follow direction here

  1. Setup gcloud cli and authenticate to make sure you have access to the project with ES you want to query

  2. Create Vertex AI search app. See here on how to create one with all the Alphabet earnings reports pdfs.

  3. Export the following env variables.

$ export VAI_SEARCH_PROJECT_NUMBER=<vertex-ai-search-gcp-project-number> # Project Number of the Vertex AI Search Engine
$ export VAI_SEARCH_DATASTORE_NAME=<vertex-ai-search-search_datastore_name>  # Datastore ID of the Vertex AI Search Engine
$ export TEXT_BISON_PROJECT_ID=<palm-text-bison-project-id> # used by verify command to match summaries 
$ export TEXT_BISON_LOCATION_ID=<palm-text-bison-region-name> # used by verify command to match summaries 
  1. Install dependent tools.
./vlvt init

This installs jtbl and verifies gcloud auth.

Full Usage

./vlvt --help

For command specific help

./vlvt <command> --help


  1. Install bashly
  2. Git clone this repo and change to the directory
  3. To generate the vlvt script run:
bashly generate
  1. Run the tests: