This application uses Firebase Rest-API for SignIN/SignUP purposes which is a customized shop app where a user can add a product by its title, price, and image. It has features like adding, removing , and editing, buying the product whereas the user has features like adding products as favorites and filtering the product. It uses firebase real-time database for storing the product and is fetched with rest APIs. In addition, it also shows the history of ordered products.
/Sign-UP | Working App Video |
To get the app build following are the requirements:
- Flutter Framework installled with android studio up working properly.
- Dependencies as given below:
- cupertino_icons: ^0.1.2
- provider: ^6.0.0
- intl: ^0.17.0
- http: ^0.13.3
- shared_preferences: ^2.0.7
- sdk: ">=2.12.0 <3.0.0"