jambonz is an open-source CPaaS (Communication Platform as a Service) specifically designed for Communication Service Providers.
To add this Helm chart repository to your Helm client:
helm repo add jambonz https://jambonz.github.io/helm-charts/
Having installed it, you can list its charts, of which there is just one:
$ helm search repo jambonz
jambonz/jambonz 0.1.8 0.7.4 open source CPaaS for communication service pro...
This chart bootstraps a jambonz deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.
You will need to have at least one (two are recommended) special node pools created in the Kubernetes cluster where the SIP and RTP processing components of the jambonz SBC will run. The reason for this is that there are currently no Kubernetes ingress controllers that are capable of managing SIP traffic.
Two node pools are recommended so that the SIP processing can be handled in one, and RTP in the other. For a production cluster it is desirable to allow the RTP processing nodes to scale independently of the SIP processing, because if we are continually adding or removing SIP processing nodes we will need to be updating our carriers with those addresses as they are added or removed. Since the RTP processing is more computationally expensive than SIP, it is best to allow the RTP to scale independently, and this requires it to be in its own node pool.
Suffice it to say that two node pools are recommended to be created in addition to the default node pool, but this chart does allow you to deploy SIP and RTP elements into single node pool if desired.
Create the node pool for sip with the following labels and taints:
- label: voip-environment=sip
- taint: sip=true
Note: if you choose to use a different label or taint, update the associated global values in the values.yaml file accordingly
Associate a firewall rule with this node pool allowing traffic into instances in this node pool as follows:
- 5060/udp
- 5060/tcp
- 5061/tls
- 8443/tcp
Create the node pool for rtp with the following labels and taints:
- label: voip-environment=rtp
- taint: rtp=true
Note: as above, if you choose to use a different label or taint, update the associated global values in the values.yaml file accordingly
Associate a firewall rule with this node pool allowing traffic into instances in this node pool as follows:
- 40000-60000/udp
Note: if you want to create a single additional node pool rather than two, update the global values in the values.yaml to reference the label and taint in the single node pool, and open all of the ports above.
The database (redis+mysql) and monitoring (grafana+influxdb+telegraf+homer) components of jambonz are provided as sub-charts, which allow them to be installed as standalone charts if nececessary.
This chart provides the option of installing everything into a single namespace, or installing into three different namespaces; e.g.
: for the database workloadsmonitoring
: for the monitoring workloadsjambonz
: for the core jambonz call, media, and api processing.
If you don't want to install everything into a single namespace, then set the global.dbNamespace
and global.monitoringNamespace
in values.yaml to the namespaces that you want to use for these sub-charts.
Here is example of installing the main chart into the "jambonz" namespace, the db subchart into the "db" namespace, and the monitoring subchart into the "monitoring" namespace. The FQDNs for the ingress controllers created for the web portal, the API, the grafana and homer portals are also provided on the command line.
The cloud provider where the Kubernetes cluster is running (google, in this case) is also provided as a command line argument. (This is needed to properly configure the drachtio SIP element)
helm install --namespace=jambonz \
--generate-name --create-namespace \
--set "global.db.namespace=db" \
--set "global.monitoring.namespace=monitoring" \
--set "monitoring.grafana.hostname=grafana.example.com" \
--set "monitoring.homer.hostname=homer.example.com" \
--set "webapp.hostname=portal.example.com" \
--set "api.hostname=api.example.com" \
--set cloud=gcp \
Installing the chart into a single namespace:
helm install --namespace=jambonz \
--generate-name --create-namespace \
--set "monitoring.grafana.hostname=grafana.example.com" \
--set "monitoring.homer.hostname=homer.example.com" \
--set "webapp.hostname=portal.example.com" \
--set "api.hostname=api.example.com" \
--set cloud=gcp \
Note that all of the above command line values are required variables.
Once you have installed the helm chart for the first, it will take a bit for all components to be downloaded, installed and transition to the running state. This is because the mysql database schema will be created and seeded with initial data, any many of the Pods will wait for the database to become available (via an initContainer) before starting their containers.
Once the system is up and running, you will want to query the 4 ingress controllers to view the the IP addresses that have been assigned.
$ kubectl -n jambonz get ingress
api-server <none> api.example.com 80 6m3s
webapp <none> portal.example.com 80 6m3s
$ kubectl -n monitoring get ingress
grafana <none> grafana.example.com 80 6m10s
homer-webapp <none> homer.example.com 80 6m10s
Once you have done this you will want to create associated the DNS records in your DNS provider so that you can access these portals.
helm repo add kong https://charts.konghq.com
helm install kong kong/kong -n <namespace> --set ingressController.installCRDs=false
Check pod status, and make sure the kong-kong-{ID} pod is running:
kubectl get pods -n <namespace> | grep kong
Update values.yaml
enabled: true
useHostnames: true
Set enabled to true to use Kong.
useHostnames set to true will use the hostnames already created for the different services. Either create a wildcard for your hostnames
useHostnames set to false will us the Kong IP address with prefixes.
helm uninstall -n <namespace> <release-name>
Name | Description | Value |
dbNamespace | namespace where db components will be installed; if not provided these components will be installed into the Release namespace | "" |
monitoringNamespace | namespace where monitoring components will be installed; if not provided these components will be installed into the Release namespace | "" |
Name | Description | Value |
db.enabled | if true, install the db sub-chart | true |
monitoring.enabled | if true, install the monitoring sub-chart | true |
cloud | (required) name of cloud provider, must be one of azure, aws, digitalocean, gcp, or none | "" |
jambonz.clusterId | a short identifier for the cluster | "" |
sbc.sip.nodeSelector.label | label name used to select sip node pool | "voip-environment" |
sbc.sip.nodeSelector.value | label value used to select sip node pool | "sip" |
sbc.sip.toleration | taint assigned to sip node pool | "sip" |
sbc.rtp.nodeSelector.label | label name used to select sip node pool | "voip-environment" |
sbc.rtp.nodeSelector.value | label value used to select sip node pool | "rtp" |
sbc.rtp.toleration | taint assigned to sip node pool | "rtp" |
stats.enabled | if set, jambonz apps write stats to telegraf | "1" |
stats.host | telegraf service name | "telegraf" |
stats.port | telegraf service listening port | "8125" |
stats.protocol | stats protocol | "tcp" |
stats.sampleRate | stats sample rate | "1" |
rtpengine.image | image for rtpengine rtp media proxy | jambonz/rtpengine:latest |
rtpengine.imagePullPolicy | rtpengine image pull policy | "Always" |
rtpengine.sidecarImage | image for rtpengine sidecar container | jambonz/rtpengine-sidecar:latest |
rtpengine.sidecarImagePullPolicy | rtpengine sidecar image pull policy | "Always" |
rtpengine.dtmfLogPort | udp port that rtpengine sends dtmf events to | "22223" |
rtpengine.logLevel | rtpengine log level (1-7) | "5" |
rtpengine.homerId | id to apply to HEP traffic sent to homer from rtpengine | "11" |
drachtio.image | drachtio image | drachtio/drachtio-server:latest |
drachtio.imagePullPolicy | drachtio image pull policy | "Always" |
drachtio.host | host of drachtio server | "" |
drachtio.port | port to connect to drachtio server | "9022" |
drachtio.homerId | id to apply to HEP traffic sent to homer from drachtio | "10" |
freeswitch.image | freeswitch image | drachtio/drachtio-freeswitch-mrf:latest |
freeswitch.imagePullPolicy | freeswitch image pull policy | "Always" |
mysql.image | mysql image | mysql:5.7 |
mysql.host | mysql service name | "mysql" |
mysql.database | jambonz database | "jambones" |
mysql.user | mysql user | "jambones" |
mysql.storage | amount of storage to allocate for mysql database | "10Gi" |
redis.image | redis image | redis:alpine |
redis.host | redis service name | "redis" |
redis.port | redis listening port | "6379" |
api.image | jambonz-api-server image | jambonz/jambonz-api-server:latest |
api.imagePullPolicy | jambonz-api-server image pull policy | "Always" |
api.httpPort | http port to listen on | "3000" |
api.hostname | (required) FQDN for api ingress controller | "" |
webapp.image | jambonz webapp image | jambonz/webapp:latest |
webapp.imagePullPolicy | jambonz webapp image pull policy | "Always" |
webapp.hostname | (required ) FQDN for webapp ingress controller | "" |
sbcOptionsHandler.image | sbc-options-handler image | jambonz/sbc-options-handler:latest |
sbcOptionsHandler.imagePullPolicy | sbc-options-handler image pull policy | "Always" |
sbcInbound.image | sbc-inbound image | jambonz/sbc-inbound:latest |
sbcInbound.imagePullPolicy | sbc-inbound image pull policy | "Always" |
sbcOutbound.drachtioPort | port to listen on for outbound connections from drachtio | "4000" |
sbcOutbound.image | sbc-outbound image | jambonz/sbc-outbound:latest |
sbcOutbound.imagePullPolicy | sbc-outbound image pull policy | "Always" |
sbcOutbound.drachtioPort | port to listen on for outbound connections from drachtio | "4000" |
sbcRegistrar.image | sbc-registrar image | jambonz/sbc-registrar:latest |
sbcRegistrar.imagePullPolicy | sbc-registrar image pull policy | "Always" |
sbcRegistrar.drachtioPort | port to listen on for outbound connections from drachtio | "4000" |
sbcCallRouter.image | sbc-call-router image | jambonz/sbc-call-router:latest |
sbcCallRouter.imagePullPolicy | sbc-call-router image pull policy | "Always" |
sbcCallRouter.drachtioPort | port to listen on for http connections from drachtio | "3000" |
featureServer.image | feature-server image | jambonz/feature-server:latest |
featureServer.imagePullPolicy | feature-server image pull policy | "Always" |
featureServer.httpPort | port to listen on for api requests | "3000" |
feature.drachtioConnection | drachtio connection information | "localhost:9022:cymru" |
feature.freeswitchConnection | freeswitch connection information | "localhost:8021:JambonzR0ck$" |
sbcSip.loglevel | drachtio loglevel in sbc sip container, should be info or debug | "info" |
sbcSip.sofiaLogLevel | sofia-sip log level for drachtio in sbc sip container, should be 1-9 | "3 |
dbWaiter.image | image of sidecar mysql client app to use for testing database readiness | d3fk/kubectl:v1.18 |