This repo is part of the RefData project workstream, for more details please see the
Each Table must contain a comment in JSON format containing the following entities:
- description
- schemalastupdated
- dataversion
Each Column must contain a comment in JSON format containing the following entities:
- label
- description
- summaryview
Optional entities for column comments:
- aliases (comma separated list)
- minimumlength
- maximumlength
- minimumvalue
- maximumvalue
- Clone this repo
- Switch into the cloned directory and then create a .env file containing the full path to the cloned repo. e.g:
- Run the command to start docker
docker-compose up -d
docker logs public_refdata_flyway -f
Upon completion the database will be up and accessible via port tcp/5433. The docker compose file contains the different users and secrets which allow connecting to the different roles. An example to connect as the main root owner (not advised for service accounts which should use the authenticator user and switch role):
psql postgres://ownerreference:mysecretpassword@localhost:5433/reference
set search_path reference
To clean up the running instance and take it down run:
docker-compose rm -vs