Most of the homelab services exist within a Kubernetes cluster. We have kept an NFS server and DNS server outside the cluster.
Each heading below represents an ArgoCD ApplicationSet which handles the deployment of the items listed under that heading based on the manifests contained in this repository.
- = complete
- = to do
System Services
- nfs-csi - to allow connection to NFS server providing default storage for persistent volume claims (allowing Pods to be moved across nodes)
- metallb - a bare metal loadbalancer for Kubernetes
- cert-manager - simplifies management of TLS certificates to secure communication with / between Kubernetes pods
- metrics-server - gathers container resource metrics and enables Kubernetes autoscalling features.
- ArgoCD - CD platform used to manage the deployment of the cluster itself as well as developer projects.
- Hashicorp Vault - secrets management
- Traefik - Kubernetes Ingress controller and reverse proxy
- Prometheus - monitor cluster metrics and provide alerts
- Grafana - dashboards for cluster metrics
- Authentik - Identity Provider for authentication and authorisation
Developer Tools
- gitea - self hosted git repository
- harbor - self hosted container registry
- JupyterHub - self hosted notebook server
- Datasette - a data exploration and publishing tool
- paperless-ngx - document management system
- immich - photo / image management system
- Overleaf - LaTex editor, for maths :)
- Invoice Ninja - for getting paid :)
The homelab consists of the following hardware.
Lenovo M720q small form factor PC
- 1TB - for Network storage (used by the nfs-csi Kubernetes storage backend)
- Intel i5-8500T processor with 6 cores
- 1TB - for Network storage (used by the nfs-csi Kubernetes storage backend)
- 237GB NVMe storage - for OS / System storage
- 1TB - for Network storage (used by the nfs-csi Kubernetes storage backend)
This device has Proxmox VE as a host operating system which makes it convenient to create Virtual Machines and Virtual Networks which makes it ideal for prototyping a multi node Kubernetes cluster on a single device.
On Proxmox, the following guest virtual machines have been configured:
- debian-11 - Running an NFS server on the local network
- k3s-server-01 - Kubernetes control plane node runnning K3S Kubernetes distribution, installed on debian-11
- 3 x k3s-agent-0[1-3] - Kubernetes worker notes, again running K3S on debian-11
Raspberry Pi Model 3B
We have pihole running on a Raspberry Pi 3B providing local DNS to the Traefik reverse Proxy. I decided to keep this outwith the Kubernetes cluster so that other users' internet access is not affected by my experiments.
The ISP provided router did not allow local DNS configuration.
Provisioning Notes
At the moment, both devices were provisioned and hardened by hand. In future updates, I will look at explore provisioning with Terafform / Ansible to achieve the following goals:
- self bootstrapping cluster from OS installation to working cluster
- ability to spin up dev / test clusters so future development of the cluster can be done on separate VMs / a different node.