The smart contracts behind Float Protocol. See the docs
The contracts are compiled with Hardhat and tested using Waffle and TypeScript.
2οΈβ£ If you are looking for Phase 2 Contracts:
- ERC20 Phase2Pool
- ETHPhase2Pool
yarn build
yarn test
yarn coverage
yarn dev
yarn local:dev
Will deploy the contracts to localhost:8545
- Generate whitelist
- Copy whitelist to contracts repo
- yarn <network>:deploy
- yarn <network>:verify
- Hand verify proxies and implementation on etherscan
- yarn <network>:run ./scripts/generate_proof.ts
- yarn <network>:run ./scripts/load_pools.ts - Quick starts the pools
- yarn <network>:run ./scripts/revoke_deployer.ts - Revoke minting abilities of deployer
- yarn <network>:export --export deployment.json
- Copy merkle tree and deployment generated to frontend.
Slither is a Solidity static analysis framework. To run it locally:
pip3 install slither-analyzer
slither .
Use the eth-security-toolbox
docker image.
docker pull trailofbits/eth-security-toolbox
docker run -it -v $(pwd):/share trailofbits/eth-security-toolbox