Alpha. Use with caution.
πΎ Click the Assets link below to download disk images.
π See https://a2desktop.com/docs for comprehensive documentation.
A full list of changes since 1.1 (the last official release) can be found in the Release Notes.
- The DA file auxtype has changed; you'll need to update to all new copies of the Desk Accessory files.
- Ignore case when sorting in file dialogs. #391
- Fix date logic for non-MacOS builders. #425
- Don't text when switching between text fields in file dialogs, and set IP position based on click. #446
- Update clock while dialogs/alerts are showing. #440
- Use SmartPort STATUS calls to determine drive types - show IIgs RAMdisk with correct icon, etc. #437, #438, #439
- Use icon heuristic for generic block devices (3.5" drives in AppleWin). #436
- Close Delete an Entry dialog after deleting. #190
- Save window state before launching Disk Copy. #434
- Fix click handler for Erase Disk dialog. #432
Disk Copy
- Use ProDOS alert tone
- IIgs: Reset color mode after exiting system CP. #440
- Capitalize splash string. #433
- Clear keyboard strobe on Esc during copy so dialog is not dismissed
- Use ProDOS alert tone
- Respect RGB Color setting. #447
- IIgs: Reset color mode after exiting system CP. #440