Have an issue or suggestion? Please post them here. If something dosen't seem to be working please swap class or re-slot the skill.
- Copy the Custom Repo Link
- Open dalamud settings ingame
- Paste the link into the Custom Plugin repositories
- Install as normal from Dalamud Plugins window.
- Global Raise feature - Replaces Swiftcast with Raise/Resurrection/Verraise/Ascend/Egeiro when appropriate.
- Draw on play
- Minor arcana to crown play (On one button)
- Benefic level sync feature
- One button DPS feature (Malefic/Combust/Lucid dreaming)
- Wanderer's into Pitch Perfect Feature
- Heavy Shot into Straight Shot Feature
- Iron Jaws Feature
- Burst Shot/Quick Nock into Apex Arrow
- One button Rotation Feature that changes skills depending on a stance with auto DoT included
- Leylines feature
- AoE Feature (Soon to be 1 button aswell)
- Auto dance steps feature
- Single procs on single button
- Single and AoE target combos
- Auto Living Shadow Feature
- Overcap Feature
- Single and AoE target combos
- Completely reworked the job to play much smoother (Courtesy of damolitionn)
- 1 Button Continuation Feature
- Overcap features
- Single target oGCDs combos on Main Combo
- Single and AoE target combos
- One Button rotation features
- HeatBlast feature
- Single and AoE target combos
- Basic rotation feature
- Single and AoE target combos
- One button rotation features
- Mudra features
- Single and AoE target combos
- One button rotation features
- Single and AoE target combos
- Singe button oGCD feature
- 2 Button rotation feature (to balance manas)
- Melee combo and finisher feature
- Singe button oGCD feature
- Single and AoE target combos
- QoL Features
- Fairy Feature (never forget Eos)
- One button rotation for all the demi-summons (Single and AoE features)
- One button egi rotation features for each egi (Single and AoE features)
- Ruin III on Ruin IV when you don't have Further Ruin - never lose mobility even with combos enabled.
- Never forget to ruin4 feature
- So much other stuff - SMN currently has over 18 tweaks.
- One button rotation(Storm's Eye/Path)
- oGCDs added on main combo feature
- Single and AoE target combos
- Lily Features
- Cure feature
- One button DPS feature (Glare/Dia/Lucid dreaming)
- Debuff features
- Single and AoE target combos
- QoL Features
- One button DPS feature (Dosis/EurekanDosis/Eukrasia)
We're building this as a side project but if you want something special added let us know.
Big Thanks to attick, daemitus for creating most of the original code, as well as Grammernatzi for providing us with a lot of extra tweaks. Please show them support for their original work <3
Brought to you by attick, Kami, Daemitus, Grammernatzi, Aki, Iaotle, Codemned, PrincessRTFM, damolitionn