In this repository we want to create a black/white image of our city, Stuttgart.
On this map all Ghostbikes should be visible.
With the Overpass Turbo website just execute this search to get your city and all the districts:
// get a few areas into .myArea
// you can add or remove an area by simply adding or removing
// one line here.
{{geocodeArea:"Bad Cannstatt"}};
// display .myArea This can be replaced by any query
// on the objects in .myArea
// print results
out geom;
If you're satisfied with your query, just use the Export button in the top left of the Overpass Turbo website and save it as geojson.
You can upload this geojson now to the GPS Visualizer and download the according svg file.
Depending on how perfect you like to have it, you can now open this svg file in any vector editing program, like InkScape. I removed all "double" lines and changed:
For all districts a greyish, dashed line: stroke:#cccccc;stroke-width:1;stroke-dasharray:2, 10
For the outer border a slightly thicker, white line: stroke:#ffffff;stroke-width:3
Now you can take the complete content of this modified svg file and add it to your index.html file. That's it, you have a map of your city.