PiggyCustomEnchants is an open-sourced custom enchants plugin for PMMP.
Version 2.0.0 is a complete rewrite of the plugin and introduces tons of bug fixes, optimizations, and quality of life changes. All custom enchantments in v1.4.6 have also been ported to v2.0.0.
- Enabling/disabling enchantments in certain worlds/globally is now built into the plugin. (#94)
- Added a remote enchant disabler for emergency situations (disable affects all servers).
- Custom enchantments that are disabled will not have their tasks enabled.
- Execution chances of enchantments are now configurable.
- ... Go to PiggyDocs for the complete changelog on v2.0.0.
Q: How do I create/use an enchanted book?
A: If you want to create an enchanted book, use the /ce enchant command on a normal book. Afterwards, you place the item you want to enchant on top of the enchanted book. It will then enchant your item.
Q: ErrorException: "Invalid argument supplied for foreach()" (EXCEPTION) in "plugins/PiggyCustomEnchants.phar/src/DaPigGuy/PiggyCustomEnchants/PiggyCustomEnchants" at line 54
A: This is due to an outdated configuration from Version 1.0.0. You should delete your old configuration to allow PiggyCE to re-generate a new configuration.
Q: 'CortexPE\Commando\BaseCommand' not found in ...\PiggyCustomEnchants-master\src\DaPigGuy\PiggyCustomEnchants\commands\CustomEnchants
A: You MUST use the pre-compiled phar from Poggit-CI instead of downloading directly from GitHub.
- We do not support any spoons. Anything to do with spoons (Issues or PRs) will be ignored.
- You can find a list of the current custom enchants at wiki.
- We are using libFormAPI and Commando virions.
- Are you a developer? Check out our API Documentation at PiggyDocs.
- v2.0.0 list of custom enchants are also at PiggyDocs.
- Check out our Discord Server for additional plugin support.