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Arnd edited this page Dec 11, 2020 · 4 revisions

This function is set or reset an alarm's state to ON or OFF. If the condition that triggered an alarm, e.g. if the alarm is set to go off whenever the hour is 5, and the trigger remains true then it will automatically be re-set to ON if turned OFF. After being triggered, an alarm only goes to OFF if this function is called to reset it or the alarm is reset via a call to setAlarm().


MCP7940_Class MCP7940; // Create an instance of the MCP7940
void setup() {
  while (!MCP7940.begin()) { // Initialize RTC communications
    Serial.println("Unable to find MCP7940. Checking again in 1 second.");
  } // of loop until device is located
 uint8_t alarmType;
 MCP7940.setAlarm(0,7,DateTime(2017,8,5,18,30,0)); // Alarm 0 triggers at 18:30:00 on 2017-08-05
 while (MCP7940.getMFP()); // loop until an alarm is triggered
 MCP7940.setAlarmState(0,false); // Turn off the alarm
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