Boscia v0.1.6
Closed issues:
- Only postsolve if there are continuous variables (#109)
- Add number of dual fixings applied to solution statistics output (#118)
Merged pull requests:
- dual bound tightening (#116) (@matbesancon)
- Global bound tightening (#117) (@matbesancon)
- add counter for global and local tightenings (#119) (@hannahtro)
- Only do postsolve if there are continuous variables present. (#120) (@dhendryc)
- Strong convexity (#121) (@matbesancon)
- Round entries of vertices. (#122) (@dhendryc)
- [WIP] Number of dual fixings (#125) (@hannahtro)
- Potential tightenings (#126) (@hannahtro)
- stronger bound from strong convexity (#127) (@matbesancon)
- Fixed strong convexity (#128) (@dhendryc)