A Ruby interface to the YOTPO API
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'yotpo'
And then execute:
$ bundle install
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install yotpo
First register your application with Yotpo Then copy and past the app_key and secret
Yotpo.configure do |config|
config.app_key = APP_KEY
config.secret = SECRET
That is it you are ready
Now lets make some public calls to our api. Public calls only require you to use a valid app_key.
Creating your first review using the API
ak = "MY_APP_KEY"
Yotpo.create_review :app_key => ak,
:product_id => "BLABLA",
:shop_domain => "omri.co",
:product_title => "pt",
:product_description => "pd",
:product_url => "http://google.com/?q=myproducturl",
:product_image_url => "https://www.google.com/images/srpr/logo4w.png",
:user_display_name => "MOSHE",
:user_email => '[email protected]',
:user_reference => "1234",
:review_body => "this is my review body",
:review_title => "my review title" ,
:review_score => 5,
:signature => "The SHA256 or HMAC signature goes here",
:time_stamp => "1426770722",
:reviewer_type => "verified_buyer",
:custom_fields => {
"--would-buy-again": true
and now lets retrieve all the reviews of our product BLABLA
response = Yotpo.get_product_reviews :app_key => ak, :product_id => "BLABLA"
my_review = response.body.reviews.first
# => my review title
# => 5
getting the bottom line of product BLABLA
response = Yotpo.get_product_bottom_line :app_key => ak, :product_id => "BLABLA"
# => 1
# => 5.0
Now lets try something a little bit more complicated. Lets try to create a purchase.
For that we will need to go through Yotpo authenticaton process, provide an app_key and secret, and return to get the utoken. The utoken will allow us to make authenticated API calls.
ak = "d3n27Sg0eP8MHmVCHfPdQzyxjhwIEeV5cBKhoggC" #remember to replace the APP_KEY with your own.
st = "adsfasdf68ads6fadsfkjbhkljhciolqewrnqwew" #remember to replace the SECRET with your own.
# retrieving the utoken - will be valid for 24 hours
response = Yotpo.get_oauth_token :app_key => ak, :secret => st
utoken = response.body.access_token
#first creating the products that are in the order, notice that the key of the product hash is the product_sku
products = {
"BLABLA1" => {
:url => "http://shop.yotpo.com/products/amazing-yotpo-poster",
:name => "Yotpo Amazing Poster",
:image_url => "http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0098/1912/products/qa2_medium.png?41",
:description => "this is the most awesome poster in the world!",
:price => "100"
# now we will create a purchase using this the token we have received in the previous step
response = Yotpo.create_new_purchase :app_key => ak,
:utoken => utoken,
:email => "[email protected]",
:customer_name => "bob",
:order_id => "12999",
:platform => "Shopify",
:order_date => "2013-05-28",
:products => products,
:currency_iso => "USD"
#making sure our request went through
raise Exception unless response.body.code == 200
We can pull all the purchases of a certain account to make sure that the previous calls has worked
response = Yotpo.get_purchases :app_key => ak, :utoken => utoken, :since_date => "2013-05-26"
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