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@github-actions github-actions released this 27 Feb 04:02

Yarn Spinner is made possible by your generous patronage. Please consider supporting Yarn Spinner's development by becoming a patron, or by buying a copy of Yarn Spinner on or the Unity Asset Store!

👩‍🚒 Getting Help

There are several places you can go to get help with Yarn Spinner.

📦 How To Install Yarn Spinner

To install the most recent release of Yarn Spinner for Unity, please see the Installation Instructions in the Yarn Spinner documentation.

If you want to install this particular version of Yarn Spinner for Unity, follow these steps:

Installing Yarn Spinner for Unity v2.4.2 from Git

  • Open the Window menu, and choose Package Manager.
  • If you already have any previous version of the Yarn Spinner package installed, remove it.
  • Click the + button, and click Add package from git URL...
  • Enter the following URL:

Each release will have a different URL. To upgrade to future versions of Yarn Spinner, you will need to uninstall the package, and reinstall using the new URL.

📜 Changes


  • Added a Unity Project scoped settings that allows you to override some of the default behaviours of Yarn Spinner.
    • Yarn Spinner settings are saved to the path ProjectSettings\Packages\dev.yarnspinner\YarnSpinnerProjectSettings.json.
    • The settings be changed in the Project Settings window, by choosing Edit -> Project Settings -> Yarn Spinner.
    • The setting currently supports three convenience features of Yarn Spinner:
      • Automatically associating assets with localisations
      • Automatically linking YarnCommand and YarnFunction attributed methods to the Dialogue Runner.
      • Generating a .ysls.json file that stores information about your Yarn attributed methods.
        • This file is saved to ProjectSettings\Packages\dev.yarnspinner\generated.ysls.json.
        • This is an experimental feature to support better editor integration down the line. As such, this feature defaults to 'off'.
    • Enabling or disabling YarnCommand and YarnFunction linking, or .ysls generation, will cause your project to recompile.
    • Enabling or disabling asset linking will cause a reimport of all yarnproject assets.
  • Yarn.Unity.ActionAnalyser.Action now has a MethodIdentifierName property, which is the short form of the method name.
  • DialogueAdvanceInput now supports Virtual Button names in addition to KeyCodes and Input Actions.
    • This can be configured to work on button or key release or press. By default, the component works on release.
  • LineView now will add in line breaks when it encounters a self closing [br /] marker.
  • Yarn attributed Functions and Commands can now use constant values in addition to literals for their name.


  • Update the minimum Unity version to 2021.3.
  • Fixed a bug where line pauses could sometimes not happen when the user's framerate is low.
  • Fixed a bug where the Rounded Views sample wouldn't import correctly.
  • Fixed Minimal Dialogue Runner sample that was using obsolete methods.
  • Fixed a bug where TMPShim wasn't being detected.
  • Standard library functions (like random, dice, round_places, etc) have been moved to the core Yarn Spinner library.
  • Fixed a bug where the audio assets in the samples weren't being linked correctly resulting in playback errors.
  • Intro Sample: Moved the Character Color view to a new stand-alone object (it's easier to explain how to do this in a tutorial!)
  • Analyser no longer ignores non-public methods.
    • This is now handled during codegen side so we can better log it.
  • ActionsGenerator will now generate C# warnings for non-private methods that are attributed as YarnFunction or YarnCommand.
  • ActionsGenerator still logs to a temporary location, but now into a dev.yarnspinner.logs folder inside the temporary location.
  • Auto-advancing LineViews will no longer attempt to advance dialogue that has been stopped.
  • Actions Registration now dumps generated code into the same temporary folder the logs live in
  • ActionsGenerator will now generate C# warnings for incorrectly named methods that are attributed as YarnFunction or YarnCommand.
  • Fixed a bug where AudioLineProvider didn't allow runtime changing of the text locale.
  • Fixed a bug where the Unity Localisation strings tables would have duplicate lines after tagging all lines in a project.


  • Remove certain items that were previously marked as obsolete:
    • Obsolete method DialogueRunner.ResetDialogue
    • Obsolete property YarnFunctionAttribute.FunctionName
    • Obsolete property YarnCommandAttribute.CommandString
    • Obsolete method YarnProject.GetProgram