Hardware interface package to wrap the standard commands for panda robot. Includes standard algorithms related to kinematics such as collision avoidance and some typical demos such as pnp.
For environment setup details and instructions, check docs/env_setup
STEP 1: roslaunch panda_tools launch_panda.launch
STEP 1: rosrun panda_tools pnp_demo_fixed.py
: Send command for the robot end effector to go to a specificgeometrymsgs.Pose
through publishing a message on this topic.current_ee_pose
: Get the current end effector pose by reading messages on this topic.
: Send command for the robot gripeer to open/close by a specific percentage through sending a message of typeGripperAction.msg
to this topic.
bool command # True for opening gripper, False for closing it float32 percentage # gripper fingers percentage
To verify that the full package works as expected follow these steps:
roslaunch panda_tools launch_panda.launch
Observe that there are no errors in the ros log Expected behavior: rviz and moveit planner should open up and the current (Real) robot state should be displayed. -
ArmCommander 2.A.
rosrun panda_tools arm_demo.py
Expected behavior: the pose defined in the script should appear on Rviz, a trajectory should be generated waiting for your approval, and then afterwards, the robot should go. 2.B.rostopic echo current_ee_pose
Expected behavior: you should accurately see the current pose of the robot's end effector. You can visualize it on Rviz to make sure. -
rosrun panda_tools gripper_demo.py
Expected Behavior: the gripper should open, then cSee if it'd be better to just have people import the two src scripts and make the objects themselves Pro: More flexibility (can use go_home or go_joint_state) Con: More complex to set uplose (with prints). -
pick and place demo
rosrun panda_tools pnp_demo_fixed.py
Expected Behavior: The robot should open, go to a pose (confirms first), closes, go to a second pose (confirms first), then closes.
- Some kind of feedback to report when the robot is currently ready to recieve pose commands. This could be handled in the callback function itself to form a queue and store all the commands and execute them in order.
- Some kind of feedback to report when the robot is currently ready to recieve gripper commands
- Include realsense model in franka robot description