SDK test application for YDLIDAR
Visit EAI Website for more details about YDLIDAR .
$ git clone
$ cd sdk
$ git checkout master
$ cd ..
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ../sdk
$ make ###linux
$ vs open Project.sln ###windows
$ cd samples
$ ./ydlidar_test
$Please enter the lidar serial port or IP:/dev/ttyUSB0
$Please enter the lidar serial baud rate or network port:230400
$ ydlidar_test.exe
$Please enter the lidar serial port or IP:COM3
$Please enter the lidar serial baud rate or network port:230400
You should see YDLIDAR's scan result in the console:
Yd Lidar running correctly ! The health status: good
[YDLIDAR] Connection established in [/dev/ttyUSB0]:
Firmware version: 2.0.9
Hardware version: 2
Model: G4
Serial: 2018022700000003
[YDLIDAR INFO] Current Sampling Rate : 9K
[YDLIDAR INFO] Current Scan Frequency : 7.400000Hz
[YDLIDAR INFO] Now YDLIDAR is scanning ......
Scan received: 43 ranges
Scan received: 1361 ranges
Scan received: 1412 ranges
data structure:
struct node_info {
uint8_t sync_quality;//!intensity
uint16_t angle_q6_checkbit; //!angle
uint16_t distance_q2; //! distance
uint64_t stamp; //! time stamp
uint8_t scan_frequence;//! current_frequence = scan_frequence/10.0, If the current value equals zero, it is an invalid value
} __attribute__((packed)) ;
if(data[i].scan_frequence != 0) {
current_frequence = data[i].scan_frequence/10.0;
current_time_stamp = data[i].stamp;
current_distance = data[i].distance_q2;
current_angle = ((data[i].angle_q6_checkbit>>LIDAR_RESP_MEASUREMENT_ANGLE_SHIFT)/64.0f);
current_intensity = (float)(data[i].sync_quality);
###note:current_frequence = data[0].scan_frequence/10.0.
###if the current_frequence value equals zero, it is an invalid value.
void ParseScan(node_info* data, const size_t& size) {
double current_frequence, current_distance, current_angle, current_intensity;
uint64_t current_time_stamp;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
if( data[i].scan_frequence != 0) {
current_frequence = data[i].scan_frequence;//or current_frequence = data[0].scan_frequence
current_time_stamp = data[i].stamp;
current_angle = ((data[i].angle_q6_checkbit>>LIDAR_RESP_MEASUREMENT_ANGLE_SHIFT)/64.0f);//LIDAR_RESP_MEASUREMENT_ANGLE_SHIFT equals 8
current_distance = data[i].distance_q2;
current_intensity = (float)(data[i].sync_quality);
if (current_frequence != 0 ) {
printf("current lidar scan frequency: %f\n", current_frequence);
} else {
printf("Current lidar does not support return scan frequency\n");
2019-04-15 version:1.3.8
1.fix time error.
2018-10-15 version:1.3.7
1.fix auto connecting.
2018-10-15 version:1.3.6
1.add network support.
2018-05-23 version:1.3.4
1.add automatic reconnection if there is an exception
2.add serial file lock.
2018-05-14 version:1.3.3
1.add the heart function constraint.
2.add packet type with scan frequency support.
2018-04-16 version:1.3.2
1.add multithreading support.
2018-04-16 version:1.3.1
1.Compensate for each laser point timestamp.