AllOfUsBot has been discontinued due to its main functionality now being available through the mods it was designed for
A simplified version of the All of Us Plugin for Impostor v1.2.2-123. This plugin adds some useful commands(chart below) to the chat system. It is also a replacement for memory editing when using a supported 100 Player Mod(see below)
The plugin has two commands designed to be used with a valid 100 Player Mod, /playerlimit
and /implimit
Currently, these are the supported mods:
- Crowded Mod:
When using a 100 Player Mod, you need to use Impostor v1.2.2-123 to prevent issues with colors
This version of the plugin has some useful commands, but it won't contain as much as the official All of Us server plugin
Command | Description | Value Types | Usage |
/help | tells you the name of every command | N/A | /help |
/map | Allows you to change the map | Skeld, MiraHQ or Polus | /map Skeld |
/name | Allows you to change your name | Any valid Among Us name | /name XtraCube |
/color | Allows you to change your color | Any Among Us color | /color black |
/playerlimit | Changes the playerlimit. For use with All Of Us Mod or Crowded Mod | Any integer between 4 and 127 | /playerlimit 100 |
/implimit | Changes the impostor limit. For use with All Of Us Mod or Crowded Mod | Any integer between 1 and 63* | /implimit 5 |
*The command checks if the impostor limit you entered is less than half the player limit to prevent instant wins for impostor.
- Red
- Blue
- Green
- Pink
- Orange
- Yellow
- Black
- White
- Purple
- Brown
- Cyan
- Lime