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An airline route planning system as a final project for the Data Structures and Algorithms course, focused on graph search algorithms (DFS and BFS) to solve various routing tasks efficiently.

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Design and Implementation of a Flight Route Planning System

Experiment Objective

Utilize basic knowledge of graph structures, adjacency matrices, and adjacency lists to construct a flight route graph for XM Airlines based on existing route data. On this foundation, design a simple flight route planning system. This system can provide different flight route solutions according to user needs.

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System Features

  1. Perform a depth-first traversal from any airport, outputting all reachable airport IDs and paths. No airport should be repeated in any main route.
  2. Perform a breadth-first traversal from any airport, outputting all reachable airport IDs and paths. No airport should be repeated in any main route.
  3. Determine the connectivity between any two airports (direct or with one stopover) and output the sequence of Flight IDs.
  4. Calculate the shortest flight time (including layover) between any two airports, and output Flight ID, total flight time, total layover time, departure time, and arrival time.
  5. Given a specified departure or arrival time window, provide multiple alternative routes between two airports, either direct or with one stopover.
  6. Given a specified departure or arrival time window, find the lowest fare between two airports and the corresponding flight route.

Overall Approach

The program consists of seven main header files and a primary function:

  • flight_reader: Reads CSV data and structures it into corresponding structs, modifying the time format.
  • dfs_and_bfs: Implements depth-first search (DFS) using stack operations and breadth-first search (BFS) using queue operations.
  • find_all_flight: Uses DFS to find all possible routes from the starting point to the destination, outputs direct or one-stop flights to result.txt, and stores the paths in arrays.
  • count_fares and count_time: Use stored route information from all_route to calculate time and cost, selecting the optimal route accordingly.

Detailed Design and Key Code

Feature 1 & 2: DFS/BFS

After reading the flight data, each flight detail is stored in a struct, with each struct acting as a data block. DFS is implemented using stack operations. Since the task is to determine connectivity rather than finding the shortest time or lowest cost, the algorithm selects the earliest available flight when multiple paths satisfy the departure and arrival times, simplifying the data to one optimal path.

// Depth-First Search function using stack
void dfs(int startAirport) {
    // Implementation using stack operations

DFS ensures that each path satisfies the time sequence requirement. A two-dimensional array time_char[ROUTE_NO][CHAR_LEN] stores arrival time strings, enabling easy retrieval of time information when backtracking from an empty stack node.

The logic for both DFS and BFS revolves around similar connectivity checks, with DFS using stacks and BFS using queues as auxiliary structures.

Function to Determine Connectivity Between Two Airports DFS Function Using Stack Operations

Feature 3: All Routes with One Stop

To accommodate features that require time constraints, the DFS function incorporates parameters for start and end times. When calling this feature, default parameters "000000000000" and "999999999999" are passed to ensure all flight times are considered, effectively removing time constraints.

Beyond this point, features require precise flight IDs. While Features 1 and 2 focus on airport connectivity, Feature 3 emphasizes flight connectivity, incorporating both airports and connecting routes. The DFS process uses two stacks: faf_stack for airport nodes and help_stack for flight route IDs. When descending deeper in the search, all paths are explored, and if connected, airport IDs are pushed onto the left stack and route IDs onto the right stack.

// Checking if the route has been visited
if (!faf_visited[DEP_ID][ARR_ID][BRANCH_NO]) {
    // Code to mark the route as visited

The program uses a three-dimensional array faf_visited[DEP_ID][ARR_ID][BRANCH_NO] to track visited paths, ensuring precise route ID management. To prevent repeated airport nodes in a single path, a temporary save array is used, which also aids in printing paths.


Diagram: Function to Check for Repeated Airports

Path Representation Example

Diagram: Path Representation Example

Upon backtracking (when no valid paths remain at the top of the stack), the program removes all marks between the popped node and connected nodes to explore alternate paths. This is crucial for cases like multiple paths between two airports, e.g., B->D->E and B->C->D->E, ensuring the second path is not skipped due to premature marking.

// Code to remove marks when backtracking
void unmarkPath(int node) {
    // Logic to unmark routes

Diagram: Function to Unmark Routes During Backtracking

Stack size is limited to three (start, stopover, destination) to meet the requirement of direct or one-stop routes.

Feature 4: Shortest Flight Time

All paths from Feature 3 are stored and analyzed for total flight and layover times using helper arrays.

// Code snippet for time calculation
int totalTime = calculateTime(path);

Feature 5: Time-Constrained Routes

Time constraints are passed into the DFS function, filtering paths that don't meet the departure time requirement.

// Code to check if departure time is within limits
if (departure >= minTime && departure <= maxTime) {
    // Include the path in results

Diagram: Condition to Enforce Departure Time Limits

Feature 6: Minimum Fare Calculation

Building on Feature 5, all paths are analyzed to find the one with the lowest fare.

// Code to calculate minimum fare
int minFare = findLowestFare(routes);


Main Function

The main function presents a user interface for selecting features and executing the appropriate functions.

int main() {
    // User menu and feature selection
    // Execute chosen option


Feature 1: DFS Traversal

Input: 3
Output: All paths from Airport 3 using DFS

Airport Sequence: 3 -> 4 -> 5
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Feature 2: BFS Traversal

Input: 3
Output: BFS traversal order

Airport Sequence: 3 -> 5 -> 4

Feature 3: Direct/One-Stop Routes

Input: 48 49
Output: All routes from Airport 48 to 49 saved in result.txt.

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Feature 4: Shortest Flight Time

Input: 49 50
Output: Flight details including ID, departure, and arrival times.

  • Validation: Verified 200-minute total time matches expected results.

Feature 5: Time-Constrained Routes

Input: 49 50 201705070000 201705091000
Output: All valid routes within the specified time window, saved to a file.

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Feature 6: Minimum Fare

Input: 50 25 201705051200 201705051400
Output: Minimum fare route between Airport 50 and 25 within the given time range.



An airline route planning system as a final project for the Data Structures and Algorithms course, focused on graph search algorithms (DFS and BFS) to solve various routing tasks efficiently.







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