WurstMod v1.2.0.0 - The Generic Update
- Added generic level support! Now you can create more than just Take and Hold levels!
- Use the new Spawnpoint and Item Spawner prefabs in your levels to set the spawn point and place Item Spawner panels.
- Generic levels should be placed in H3VR\CustomLevels\Generic
- Generic levels are accessed from the main menu in panels behind the main spawn point.
- Added the ForcedSpawn component. You can put this on a Supply Point to make it always the spawn point. You can also check the "Spawn Only" checkbox to make that supply point only used for spawning.
- Improved Unity Terrain support. Terrain and Trees should work, Details likely will not.
NOTE TO LEVEL CREATORS: When updates are released, you must download and import the new WurstModWorkbench.unitypackage to your project!