- Install nodejs + npm (https://nodejs.org/en/download/)
- Open cmd in project directory then:
- "npm install"
- "npm install grunt -g"
- "npm install typescript -g"
- "grunt"
Your webbrowser should open the index.html file and the phaser logo will shine in it's glory.
Inside Visual Studio Code:
- start/stopp autobuild of Typescript Code mit Strg+Shift+B
- http://www.piskelapp.com/ - Desktop-Version https://github.com/juliandescottes/piskel/wiki/Desktop-applications
- https://sketch.io/
Use Powershell or cmd to execute the following commands:
- npm install -g typescript
- npm install -g tslint
- npm install -g grunt
If you have to use a proxy for Nodejs / npm and there are connection issues:
"npm config list" should contain these settings:
http-proxy = "http://USER:[email protected]:80" https-proxy = "http://USER:[email protected]:80" strict-ssl = false
You can set these with: npm config set https-proxy "http://USER:[email protected]:80" & npm config set strict-ssl false More Infos: http://superuser.com/questions/347476/how-to-install-npm-behind-authentication-proxy-on-windows