Fork from substrate-rbac
A Substrate pallet implementing access controls and permissions for Substrate extrinsic calls.
The filtering of incoming extrinsics and their sender accounts is done at the transaction queue validation layer, using the SignedExtension
Extrinsics operate with substrates default behavior if they do not have access controls enabled.
Introduce the VerifyAccess
type into the config of your custom pallets and call the verify_execution_access
function to ensure a specific extrinsic has access controls by default.
- Add the module's dependency in the
of yourruntime
directory. Make sure to enter the correct path or git url of the pallet as per your setup.
access-control = { version = "0.1.0", default-features = false, git = "" }
- Declare the pallet in your
// runtime/src/
pub use access_control;
// ...
impl access_control::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type AdminOrigin = EnsureRoot<AccountId>;
// ...
// Add access_control to create_transaction function
fn create_transaction(...) -> Option<(...)> {
// ...
let extra = (
// ...
// ...
// Add access_control to the runtime
pub enum Runtime where
Block = Block,
NodeBlock = opaque::Block,
UncheckedExtrinsic = UncheckedExtrinsic
// ...
AccessControl: access_control,
// ...
// ...
// Add the module's `Authorize` type in the `SignedExtra` checklist.
pub type SignedExtra = (
// ...
- Add a genesis configuration for the module in the
/// node/src/
// Import access_control and AccessControlConfig from the runtime
use _runtime::{
// ...
access_control, AccessControlConfig
// ...
fn testnet_genesis(...) -> GenesisConfig {
let authorized_accounts = vec![
// Create initial access controls including the AccessControl Pallet
let access_control_structs = vec![
// Create both Execute and Manage controls for the AccessControl Pallets `create_access_control` extrinsic.
access_control::AccessControl {
pallet: "AccessControl".as_bytes().to_vec(),
extrinsic: "create_access_control".as_bytes().to_vec(),
permission: access_control::Permission::Execute,
access_control::AccessControl {
pallet: "AccessControl".as_bytes().to_vec(),
extrinsic: "create_access_control".as_bytes().to_vec(),
permission: access_control::Permission::Manage,
// ... additional AccessControls ...
// Create the tuple of access controls and accounts who can action.
let access_controls: Vec<(access_control::AccessControl, Vec<AccountId>)> =
.map(|access_control| (access_control.clone(), authorized_accounts.clone()))
// ...
GenesisConfig {
/// ...
access_control: AccessControlConfig { admins: authorized_accounts.clone() , access_controls }
- Add access_control to your custom pallets Cargo.toml
- Followed by implementing your access control logic
use access_control::traits::VerifyAccess;
// ...
pub trait Config: frame_system::Config + CreateSignedTransaction<Call<Self>> {
// ...
// Add VerifyAccess trait to the pallet.
type VerifyAccess: VerifyAccess<Self::AccountId>;
fn do_something(origin: OriginFor<T>) -> DispatchResult {
// 1. Ensure that the extrinsic was signed.
let signer = ensure_signed(origin);
// 2. ensure that the signer has authentication access and access control was setup.
// - If the access_control was configured correctly the the SignedExtension will reject the transaction before it was added to the transaction pool,
/// however adding this additional check ensures that in the case of the access control not been setup correctly the extrinsic will fail.
// - This also serves as development documentation that this extrinsic is meant to have AccessControl at the transaction pool level.
match T::VerifyAccess::verify_execute_access(
) {
Ok(_) => {
info!("Successfully verified access")
// Additional logic
// Return an Error
Err(_e) => return Err(frame_support::error::BadOrigin.into()),
// custom pallet logic ...
cargo build --release
This code not audited and reviewed for production use cases. You can expect bugs and security vulnerabilities. Do not use it as-is in real applications.