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Merge pull request #68 from F-Secure/sorin/clean_explorer_agent
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fix: fix explorer agent
  • Loading branch information
sorin-patrasoiu authored Aug 12, 2022
2 parents 8f79da6 + de815d2 commit 0ca2127
Showing 1 changed file with 21 additions and 130 deletions.
151 changes: 21 additions & 130 deletions change_analyzer/agents/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
import glob
import os
import re
import time

import sys
import pandas as pd
Expand All @@ -23,9 +22,8 @@ class ExplorerAgent(Agent):
SEQUENCE_COLUMNS = ['Screen', 'Image', 'PageSource', 'AvailableActions']
TARGET_DF_COLUMNS = ['ActionImage', 'ActionText', 'DistanceFromCenter', 'DistanceFromTopLeftCorner',
'PreviousSteps', 'ActionImageMainColorR', 'ActionImageMainColorG', 'ActionImageMainColorB']
# ActiveScreen is removed from TARGET_DF_COLUMNS
INITIAL_STEP = [] # previously ["Main view"]
# We need to set numpy print options to maximum, in order to avoid truncating numpy arrays

Expand All @@ -37,12 +35,11 @@ def __init__(self, env: gym.Env, total_steps: int = randrange(10)) -> None:
self.config = self.read_config_file()
# Initialize needed dataframes and model
# Target dataframe - an intermediate dataframe which will hold the available actions
# from current screen (used to make predictions) so starting_screen is the default initialization
# Model dataframe - a dataframe that contains new training data for the Ludwig model

# Target dataframe - dataframe which will hold the available actions from current screen (used for predictions)
self.target_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=ExplorerAgent.TARGET_DF_COLUMNS)
# Model dataframe - a dataframe that contains new training data
self.model_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=ExplorerAgent.MODEL_DF_COLUMNS)
# Ludwig model - initially none
self.model = None

self.image_before ='RGB', size=(0, 0))
Expand All @@ -53,26 +50,19 @@ def __init__(self, env: gym.Env, total_steps: int = randrange(10)) -> None:
self.previous_screen = ""
self.sequence_steps = ExplorerAgent.INITIAL_STEP

# To avoid ValueError: tf.function-decorated function tried to create variables on non-first call'
# tf.config.run_functions_eagerly(True)

def run(self) -> None:

for i in range(self.total_steps):
# print("Starting step", i + 1)
action = self.get_action()
print(f"Perform {str(action)}")
element_to_use = str(action).replace('click on ', '')

# Before performing the step, we need to collect the data (session may be lost once we perform the step)

# Get image from the current screen, image_before - as numpy array
self.image_before = Image.fromarray(self.env.render("rgb_array"))

# Get page_source_before, using SequenceRecorder class
self.page_source_before = self.sequence_recorder_obj.get_enriched_page_source(action.el.parent)
# print("page_source_before within try:", self.page_source_before)

obs, _, done, info = self.env.step(action)

Expand All @@ -89,12 +79,9 @@ def run(self) -> None:
step_reward = self.reward(self.image_before, self.image_after, self.sequence_steps)

# Update model dataframe
print("Update model dataframe")
# self.update_model_df(available_actions, element_to_use, step_reward, self.sequence_steps)

# Update model config
Expand All @@ -115,15 +102,14 @@ def run(self) -> None:
except Exception as e:"Action couldn't be performed due to an exception")
# We assume that the step failed and we are outside the SUT.
# We assume that the step failed, and we are outside the SUT.
# We need to reset the self.image_after and self.page_source_after as there is nothing after
self.image_after ='RGB', size=(0, 0))
self.page_source_after = None

step_reward = self.reward(self.image_before, self.image_after, self.sequence_steps)

sequence_steps=self.sequence_steps) # We have no available actions
done = True
Expand All @@ -134,20 +120,7 @@ def run(self) -> None:

# We need to ensure that we save the model Dataframe

f"Episode done in {self.total_steps} steps, total reward {self.total_reward}"

def get_model_df(self):

def show_pil_image(pil_image: Image):
print("Show image")

def get_action(self):
Expand All @@ -157,13 +130,11 @@ def get_action(self):
if self.model:
return self.predict_action()

return self.env.action_space.sample()

def predict_action(self):
# Make predictions using targeted dataframe and current trained model
predictions, _ = self.model.predict(self.target_df)
print("Predictions\n", predictions)

# Get a prediction (action with the highest reward)
prediction_id = predictions['Reward_predictions'].idxmax()
Expand All @@ -179,64 +150,26 @@ def read_config_file(self):
return config_content

def reward(image_before: Image, image_after: Image, sequence_steps):
def reward(image_before: Image, image_after: Image, sequence_steps: List[str]) -> int:
"""Reward function used for each performed step. Currently, a naive aproach is used."""
# How about a Class with Rewards, for different purposes?
# Convert images from PIL to numpy.ndarray
print('Calculate the step reward')
image_before = np.array(image_before)
image_after = np.array(image_after)
penalty = 0
if len(sequence_steps) > 2:
# Check if the last 2 pairs of sequence steps are the same
if sequence_steps[0:2] == sequence_steps[-3:-1]:
print("We need to establish a penalty")
# We need to establish a penalty
penalty = 100000
if image_before.size != image_after.size:
# We are not in same window anymore
print("Images don't have same size - reward 0")
# We are not in same window anymore, reward 0
return 0
non_zero = np.count_nonzero(image_after - image_before)
return non_zero - penalty

def debug_print(my_str_var):
print(f'{my_str_var}:', {eval(my_str_var)})
print(f'Printing {my_str_var} failed')

def update_model_df_debug(self, available_actions: List, element_to_use: str, step_reward: int, sequence_steps: List):
print("==== Update model dataframe ====")
# print("Model DF before the update:\n", self.model_df)

model_df_for_action = pd.DataFrame(
str(sequence_steps), # previous steps

# self.model_df = self.model_df.append(model_df_for_action, ignore_index=True)
# We need to have the PreviousSteps as string,
# otherwise the list will get appended too and we will have only last sequence everywhere
self.model_df.loc[:, "PreviousSteps"] = self.model_df.loc[:, "PreviousSteps"].astype("str")
self.model_df = pd.concat([self.model_df, model_df_for_action], ignore_index=True)
print("==== Model DF updated ====")
# print("Model DF after the update:\n", self.model_df)

def update_model_df(self, available_actions: list, element_to_use: str, step_reward: int, sequence_steps: List):
def update_model_df(self, element_to_use: str, step_reward: int, sequence_steps: List):
"""Create model_df for performed action
The Dataframe consists of:
- 'ActionImage': the image of the performed action (for instance the image of a button)
Expand All @@ -251,31 +184,19 @@ def update_model_df(self, available_actions: list, element_to_use: str, step_rew
- 'Reward': the reward received by performing the action (step_reward)

# self.debug_print('self.page_source_before')
# self.debug_print('self.active_screen')
# self.debug_print('self.image_before')

# Get ActionImage
# First we need the coordinates for the action image, from self.page_source_before
action_coordinates = self.get_action_coords(self.page_source_before, element_to_use)

# Use coordinates to extract the action image from previous screen, self.image_before
# Originally action_img was numpy.ndarray.
# Due to migration of Ludwig to 0.5, it has to be converted to a tensor
action_img = self.get_action_image(self.image_before, action_coordinates)
# print('Action img num of channels:', action_img.shape, len(action_img.shape))
# action_img_tensor = torch.from_numpy(self.get_action_image(self.image_before,
# action_coordinates)).permute(2, 0, 1)

# Get DistanceFromCenter
distance_from_center = self.get_distance_from_center(action_coordinates, self.image_before)

# GetDistanceFromTopLeftCorner
distance_from_top_left_corner = self.get_distance_from_top_left_corner(action_coordinates)

# Get ActiveScreen
# active_screen_text = self.sequence_steps[-1] # The screen the action originates from

# Get RGB from main color of the action_image
r, g, b = self.get_main_color_from_action_image(action_img)

Expand All @@ -286,7 +207,6 @@ def update_model_df(self, available_actions: list, element_to_use: str, step_rew
# active_screen_text,
str(sequence_steps), # previous steps
Expand All @@ -303,22 +223,20 @@ def update_model_df(self, available_actions: list, element_to_use: str, step_rew

def get_main_color_from_action_image(action_image):
# print('Get main color')
# Convert from numpy array to PIL image
action_image = Image.fromarray(action_image)
max_colors = action_image.width * action_image.height
colors = action_image.getcolors(max_colors)
return colors[0][1]

def get_action_image(screen_img: Image, action_coordinates: Tuple):
def get_action_image(screen_img: Image, action_coordinates: Tuple) -> np.ndarray:
"""Get action image from given screen image, based on coordinates"""
x = action_coordinates[0]
y = action_coordinates[1]
h = action_coordinates[2]
w = action_coordinates[3]
action_img = screen_img.crop((x, y, x + w, y + h))
# Let's return a numpy array
return np.asarray(action_img)

Expand All @@ -341,7 +259,7 @@ def get_action_coords(page_source: str, action: str):
return x, y, h, w

def get_distance_from_center(action_coordinates, screen_img):
def get_distance_from_center(action_coordinates, screen_img) -> int:
"""The distance is calculated between the center of the action image and the center of the screen image
x1, y1 are the coordinates within screen image of action image's center
x2, y2 are the coordinates of the screen image's center
Expand All @@ -356,7 +274,7 @@ def get_distance_from_center(action_coordinates, screen_img):
return int(math.sqrt(math.pow(x1 - x2, 2) + math.pow(y1 - y2, 2)))

def get_distance_from_top_left_corner(action_coordinates):
def get_distance_from_top_left_corner(action_coordinates) -> int:
"""The distance is calculated between the center of the action image and the top left corner of the screen image
x1, y1 are the coordinates within screen image of action image's center
x2, y2 are the coordinates of the screen image's top left corner which in this case are 0 and 0
Expand All @@ -380,11 +298,7 @@ def get_max_dims(images):
return max_h, max_w

def update_config(self):
print("Update model config")
# Get all action images from model_df as PIL images
# Actions images are now torch tensors and here are converted to numpy arrays
# Permute tensor channels back from 2,0,1 to 1,2,0
# action_images = [Image.fromarray(action_image.permute(1, 2, 0).numpy()) for action_image in self.model_df['ActionImage'].tolist()]
action_images = [Image.fromarray(action_image) for action_image in self.model_df['ActionImage'].tolist()]

# Find the maximum height and width from images
Expand All @@ -408,19 +322,9 @@ def update_target_df(self, available_actions, seq_steps):
- 'ActionImageMainColorG': green from main color of the 'ActionImage'
- 'ActionImageMainColorB: blue from main color of the 'ActionImage'
print("Create target_df for Ludwig model")

# Get future screens from AvailableActions -> in func param
# We need to convert all available_actions from 'click on <action>' to '<action>'
available_actions = [str(action).replace('click on ', '') for action in available_actions]

# print('Available actions:', available_actions)
# available_actions = current_action_df['AvailableActions'].iloc[0]

# Get ActiveScreen -> self.active_screen
# print("Get ActiveScreen:", self.active_screen)
# active_screen = current_action_df['Screen'].iloc[0]

# Get distances
distances_from_center = []
distances_from_top_left_center = []
Expand All @@ -431,41 +335,34 @@ def update_target_df(self, available_actions, seq_steps):
distances_from_center.append(self.get_distance_from_center(action_coords, self.image_after))

# print(f"Distances\nFrom center: {distances_from_center} \nFrom top-left: {distances_from_top_left_center}")

action_images = self.get_actions_images_from_screen(self.image_after, self.page_source_after, available_actions)

# print(action_images)
main_color_rs = []
main_color_gs = []
main_color_bs = []
for action_image in action_images:
# r, g, b = self.get_main_color_from_action_image(Image.fromarray(action_image))
# action_image is converted to Image.fromarray (numpy.ndarray) within get_main_color function
r, g, b = self.get_main_color_from_action_image(action_image)

# print(f"Main RGBs for action images \nRs: {main_color_rs} \nBs: {main_color_bs} \nGs: {main_color_gs}")

# Create data for target_df
target_data = {
'ActionImage': action_images,
'ActionText': available_actions,
'DistanceFromCenter': distances_from_center,
'DistanceFromTopLeftCorner': distances_from_top_left_center,
# 'ActiveScreen': [self.active_screen for a in available_actions],
'PreviousSteps': [', '.join(map(str, seq_steps)) for a in available_actions],
# 'PreviousSteps': [', '.join(map(str, self.sequence_steps)) for a in available_actions],
'PreviousSteps': [', '.join(map(str, seq_steps)) for _ in available_actions],
'ActionImageMainColorR': main_color_rs,
'ActionImageMainColorG': main_color_gs,
'ActionImageMainColorB': main_color_bs,

self.target_df = pd.DataFrame(target_data)

def get_actions_images_from_screen(self, screen_image, page_source, actions):
def get_actions_images_from_screen(self,
screen_image: Image,
page_source: str,
actions: List[str]) -> List[np.ndarray]:
"""Get all actions images (PIL -> numpy array) from given screen as a list"""
images = []
for action in actions:
Expand All @@ -475,15 +372,10 @@ def get_actions_images_from_screen(self, screen_image, page_source, actions):
return images

def init_model(self):
print("Initialize Ludwig model")
self.model = LudwigModel(self.config)
print('Model initialized')

def train_model(self):
# print("Model Dataframe", self.model_df)
print('Train model')
train_stats, _, _ = self.model.train(self.model_df)
print('Model trained')

def create_string_in_form_of_numpy_array(cell) -> str:
Expand All @@ -492,8 +384,7 @@ def create_string_in_form_of_numpy_array(cell) -> str:
def save_model_dataframe(self) -> None:
"""Save model dataframe, to be used later on in future models"""
csv_file = os.path.join(self.latest_recordings_folder, 'model_df.csv')
print("ActionImage sample:\n", self.model_df['ActionImage'].iloc[0])
print("Convert column 'ActionImage' to string in form of numpy arrays")

# Convert column 'ActionImage' to string in form of numpy arrays
self.model_df['ActionImage'] = self.model_df['ActionImage'].apply(self.create_string_in_form_of_numpy_array)
print("Save the model dataframe")
self.model_df.to_csv(csv_file, index=False)

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