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This is a sample bootstrap compose stack, see quick start instructions below.

Quick Start

  • Clone the repository
  • Copy the .env.example to .env
  • Modify the .env as needed
  • Run ./compose up -d

Note: the is a special wrapper that provides support for docker-compose.yml extensions. You'll find more information on the extension below, but generally it's recommended to use ./compose instead of docker-compose.

The ./compose is a simple wrapper, so you can pass any arguments to it similarly how it could be done with the original docker-compose, eg:

./compose ps
./compose up -d
./compose down
./compose restart
# etc


The stack is composed of the following containers:


  • db - MySQL, a database backend for MediaWiki.
  • web - Apache/MediaWiki container with PHP on the board

Optional, can be enabled via compose-extension:

  • redis - Redis cache ( see docker-compose/redis.yml.example )
  • elasticsearch - ElasticSearch instance ( see docker-compose/elasticsearch.yml.example )
  • matomo - Matomo site analytics


All the configurations must be done via modifying the .env file, see .env.example for a list of variables

Environment variables

  • MW_SITE_SERVER configures $wgServer; set this to the server host and include the protocol like http://my-wiki:8080
  • MW_SITE_NAME configures $wgSitename
  • MW_SITE_LANG configures $wgLanguageCode
  • MW_DEFAULT_SKIN configures $wgDefaultSkin
  • MW_ENABLE_UPLOADS configures $wgEnableUploads
  • MW_USE_INSTANT_COMMONS configures $wgUseInstantCommons
  • MW_ADMIN_USER configures the default administrator username
  • MW_ADMIN_PASS configures the default administrator password
  • MW_DB_NAME specifies the database name that will be created automatically upon container startup
  • MW_DB_USER specifies the database user for access to the database specified in MW_DB_NAME
  • MW_DB_PASS specifies the database user password
  • MW_DB_INSTALLDB_USER specifies the database superuser name for create database and user specified above
  • MW_DB_INSTALLDB_PASS specifies the database superuser password; should be the same as MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD in db section.
  • MW_PROXY_SERVERS (comma separated values) configures $wgSquidServers. Leave empty if no reverse proxy server used.
  • MW_MAIN_CACHE_TYPE configures $wgMainCacheType. MW_MEMCACHED_SERVERS should be provided for CACHE_MEMCACHED.
  • MW_MEMCACHED_SERVERS (comma separated values) configures $wgMemCachedServers.
  • MW_AUTOUPDATE if true (by default), run needed maintenance scripts automatically before web server start.
  • MW_SHOW_EXCEPTION_DETAILS if true (by default) configures $wgShowExceptionDetails as true.
  • PHP_LOG_ERRORS specifies log_errors parameter in php.ini file.
  • PHP_ERROR_REPORTING specifies error_reporting parameter in php.ini file. E_ALL by default, on production should be changed to E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT.
  • MW_ENABLE_SITEMAP_GENERATOR defines if sitemap generation is enabled or not
  • MW_SITEMAP_PAUSE_DAYS if the above is enabled, sets the delys between sitemap regenerations
  • PHP_UPLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE sets max upload size
  • PHP_POST_MAX_SIZE sets max post size
  • LOG_FILES_COMPRESS_DELAY sets logs compression delay in seconds
  • LOG_FILES_REMOVE_OLDER_THAN_DAYS sets lifespan for old logs
  • MW_ENABLE_TRANSCODER defines if the transcoder service is enabled
  • MW_JOB_TRANSCODER_PAUSE sets the transcoder service delay in seconds
  • MW_ENABLE_JOB_RUNNER defines if the job runner service is enabled
  • MW_JOB_RUNNER_PAUSE sets the job runner service delay in seconds
  • MW_ENABLE_EMAIL controls the $wgEnableEmail
  • MW_ENABLE_USER_EMAIL controls the $wgEnableUserEmail
  • MW_EMERGENCY_CONTACT controls the $wgEmergencyContact
  • MW_PASSWORD_SENDER controls the $wgPasswordSender
  • MW_DB_TYPE controls the $wgDBtype
  • MW_DB_SERVER controls the $wgDBserver
  • MW_DB_NAME controls the $wgDBname
  • MW_USE_CACHE_DIRECTORY controls the $wgCacheDirectory, if set to true puts $IP/cache as a value
  • MW_SECRET_KEY controls the $wgSecretKey
  • MW_USE_IMAGE_MAGIC controls the $wgUseImageMagick
  • MW_LOAD_SKINS controls the list of extension to enable out of the pre-installed skins list (see below)
  • MW_LOAD_EXTENSIONS controls the list of extension to enable out of the pre-installed extensions list (see below)
  • MATOMO_USER - Matomo username, fill in after initial Matomo setup
  • MATOMO_PASSWORD - Matomo password, fill in after initial Matomo setup
  • MATOMO_URL - URL of the Matomo instance within the network, keep as it in most cases


The stack will optionally load a settings file from the _settings/LocalSettings.php and will append it to the bottom of the original LocalSettings.php of the container.

Extending the docker-compose.yml

The proper way to make modifications or additions to the orignal docker-compose.yml is to add override-files to the docker-compose directory, see logo.yml.example. Only files with .yml extension are loaded.

This is based on the Compose extends feature.

For example:

  • Create _resources directory and put your logo there (_resources/logo.png)
  • Create logo.yml file inside the docker-compose directory with the following contents:
version: '3.1'
      - ./_resources/logo.png:/var/www/html/w/logo.png
  • And run or re-create the stack via ./compose up -d

Please refer to the for details about docker-compose.yml overriding specifics.


Pull the latest image, stop, rebuild and start containers:

docker pull
./compose up -d

Making backups

./compose exec db /bin/bash -c 'mysqldump --all-databases -uroot -p"$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD" 2>/dev/null | gzip | base64 -w 0' | base64 -d > backup_$(date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S").sql.gz
./compose exec web /bin/bash -c 'tar -c $MW_VOLUME $MW_HOME/images 2>/dev/null | base64 -w 0' | base64 -d > backup_$(date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S").tar

Keep it up to date

One of the way to keep the stack up to date and hence separated from your deployment changes if to follow the deployment procedure below:

  • Clone the stack into, say, docker-wikiteq-stack
  • Copy the .env.example to .env (it's git-ignored)
  • Override compose stack with new files created within docker-compose directory (they're git-ignored too)
  • Follow the instructions above to put your custom files like logos or custom extensions into _resources directory (which is fully git-ignored)
  • Keep the custom PHP settings files within the _settings directory (which is git-ignored too)

With the setup above you should have no issues with updating the stack base like below:

cd docker-wikiteq-stack && git pull
./compose up -d

The limitation of the approach above is that you can't version your own changes to the stack. To workaround this you can try another method like below:

  • Clone the stack into, say, docker-wikiteq-stack

  • Create new directory for your modifications, say, docker-wikiteq-stack-MyWiki

  • Put all your customizations there and symlink all the files to their directories within the docker-wikiteq-stack. For example:

  • docker-wikiteq-stack-MyWiki/_settings/LocalSettings.php symlinked to docker-wikiteq-stack/_settings/LocalSettings.php

  • docker-wikiteq-stack-MyWiki/_resources/logo.png symlinked to docker-wikiteq-stack/_resources/logo.png

  • docker-wikiteq-stack-MyWiki/docker-compose/redis.yml symlinked to docker-wikiteq-stack/docker-compose/redis.yml

  • docker-wikiteq-stack-MyWiki/.evn symlinked to docker-wikiteq-stack/.evn (if there is a reason to version .env)

In result, you'll be able to version your modifications via git keeping the stack files untouched and so be able to version the stack separately from your modifications.


By default the Matomo runs on 8182 port (to be shadowed with Nginx) and requires initial setup on first run. Once installed, modify the .env file by adding MATOMO_USER and MATOMO_PASSWORD variables matching user/password that was used during installation.

Make the be run on Cron @daily close to midnight to keep the Matomo fed with visits information, eg:

55 23 * * * cd ~/docker/ && ./ >> ~/import.log

Nginx configuration

   # matomo
   location /matomo/ {
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Server $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Uri /matomo;
        proxy_read_timeout 300;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;

Plus once containers are started modify the Matomo config as below (the settings are intended to be generated automatically, but it's better to verify):

trusted_hosts[] = ""
assume_secure_protocol = 1
proxy_uri_header = 1


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