julia> Pkg.add("SunlightAPIs")
julia> using SunlightAPIs
julia> my_auth = "your-api-key"
julia> entity_search(my_auth, "obama"; entity_type = "politician")
2-element Array{Any,1}:
["is_superpac"=>nothing,"total_given"=>0.0,"firm_income"=>0.0,"state"=>"","name"=>"Barack Obama (D)","id"=>"4148b26f6f1c437cb50ea9ca4699417a","total_received"=>7.14694967e8,"count_given"=>0,"count_lobbied"=>0,"count_received"=>1335528,"seat"=>"federal:president","lobbying_firm"=>nothing,"party"=>"D","type"=>"politician","non_firm_spending"=>0.0]
["is_superpac"=>nothing,"total_given"=>0.0,"firm_income"=>0.0,"state"=>"IL","name"=>"OBAMA, BARACK","id"=>"97737bb56b6a4211bcc57a837368b1a4","total_received"=>445595.36,"count_given"=>0,"count_lobbied"=>0,"count_received"=>892,"seat"=>"state:upper","lobbying_firm"=>nothing,"party"=>"D","type"=>"politician","non_firm_spending"=>0.0]
julia> entity_info(my_auth, "4148b26f6f1c437cb50ea9ca4699417a")
Dict{String,Any} with 6 entries:
"name" => "Barack Obama (D)"
"totals" => ["2014"=>["fec_total_raised"=>0.0,"faca_committee_count"=>0,"firm_income"=>0.0…
"external_ids" => {["namespace"=>"urn:crp:recipient","id"=>"N00009638"],["namespace"=>"urn:fec:c…
"id" => "4148b26f6f1c437cb50ea9ca4699417a"
"metadata" => ["2014"=>["district"=>"","state_held"=>"","seat_held"=>"federal:president","se…
"type" => "politician"
julia> top_contributors(my_auth, "4148b26f6f1c437cb50ea9ca4699417a"; limit = 3, cycle = 2008)
3-element Array{Any,1}:
["name"=>"University of California","direct_count"=>"0","total_count"=>"3356","total_amount"=>"1638228.00","employee_amount"=>"1638228.00","id"=>"0e85264c0c0e4dfb9a4b38cfc181f030","direct_amount"=>"0","employee_count"=>"3356"]
["name"=>"Goldman Sachs","direct_count"=>"0","total_count"=>"879","total_amount"=>"1001195.00","employee_amount"=>"1001195.00","id"=>"597eccfe48784677a437569ff6293097","direct_amount"=>"0","employee_count"=>"879"]
["name"=>"Harvard University","direct_count"=>"0","total_count"=>"1398","total_amount"=>"859747.00","employee_amount"=>"859747.00","id"=>"74a1dca1259b4f60bca481d4c76e2a1f","direct_amount"=>"0","employee_count"=>"1398"]
julia> top_organizations(my_auth; limit = 12)
12-element Array{Any,1}:
["amount"=>"384272261.37","name"=>"National Education Assn","id"=>"1b8fea7e453d4e75841eac48ff9df550","count"=>"57835"]
["amount"=>"275880888.86","name"=>"Service Employees International Union","id"=>"e31bfef434e9470b9e473d6182f2d021","count"=>"35011"]
["amount"=>"181691570.75","name"=>"American Fedn of St/Cnty/Munic Employees","id"=>"fb702029157e4c7c887172eba71c66c5","count"=>"43635"]
["amount"=>"174018345.66","name"=>"National Assn of Realtors","id"=>"bb98402bd4d3471cad392a671ecd733a","count"=>"92925"]
["amount"=>"112448960.46","name"=>"Altria Group","id"=>"0785a40a08df4dada2f083631efecb34","count"=>"21199"]
["amount"=>"110349716.14","name"=>"American Federation of Teachers","id"=>"73a89c3b554945cd8228fa82fc53b73a","count"=>"32445"]
["amount"=>"108195067.94","name"=>"Intl Brotherhood of Electrical Workers","id"=>"b53b4ad137d743a996f4d7467700fc88","count"=>"53828"]
["amount"=>"99742982.84","name"=>"Republican Governors Assn","id"=>"bdfd0d138c4c474d842a6e4d85aa8b0a","count"=>"481"]
["amount"=>"99131444.53","name"=>"Philip Morris","id"=>"f3b0421dc8204f048a9b358376df8131","count"=>"23570"]
["amount"=>"94524750.12","name"=>"Laborers Union","id"=>"6f6d63baaa6c4f5c9c739596e65b020e","count"=>"34531"]
["amount"=>"94172506.40","name"=>"Penn National Gaming","id"=>"24cab44f502f415dbfd32f8e7b1b7c5b","count"=>"1964"]
["amount"=>"93127912.28","name"=>"AT&T Inc","id"=>"d473e580c5684a658b754eb97566cb05","count"=>"73320"]
julia> registrant_bills(my_auth, "d473e580c5684a658b754eb97566cb05"; limit = 3)
3-element Array{Any,1}:
["cycle"=>-1,"bill_no"=>1447,"count"=>12,"title"=>"Connecting America Act of 2009","bill_name"=>"S.1447","congress_no"=>111,"bill_type"=>"s"]
["cycle"=>-1,"bill_no"=>400,"count"=>8,"title"=>"Protecting Consumers through Proper Forbearance Procedures Act","bill_name"=>"H.R.400","congress_no"=>111,"bill_type"=>"h"]
Many of methods in the Influence Explorer API accept similar arguments. To reduce redundancy, these are documented once, below. Not all methods accept all common parameters - be sure to check the function signature in the docs further down.
: Your Sunlight API key (get one here).entity_id
: The transparencydata ID of the entity that you'd like to look up. Most methods will accept the ID as aString
, however, sometimes this can cause ambiguity (for instance,fec_summary
is defined for both Organizations and Politicians). For these cases theOrg
(Individual), andPol
(Politician) types are defined to wrap IDs (i.e.Org(entity_id)
: Use to limit results by cycle(s).limit
: Use to limit the number of results to be returned.
Search for politicians, individuals, organizations or industries with a given name.
entity_search(auth::String, search_str; entity_type = nothing)
entity_search(search_str; auth = "", entity_type = nothing)
: The name to search for. There are no logical operators and no grouping.type
: Filter results to a particular type of entity."politician"
Get general information about the given entity.
entity_info(auth::String, entity_id; cycle = nothing)
entity_info(entity_id; auth = "", cycle = nothing)
By contributions received, in dollars.
top_politicians(auth::String; limit = 16, cycle = nothing)
top_politicians(; auth = "", limit = 16, cycle = nothing)
The top contributing organizations to a given candidate. Giving is broken down into money given directly (by the organization's PAC), versus money given by individuals employed by or associated with the organization.
top_contributors(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Pol); limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)
top_contributors(entity_id::Union(String, Pol); auth = "", limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)
Top contributing industries, ranked by dollars given.
top_industries(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Pol); limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)
top_industries(entity_id::Union(String, Pol); auth = "", limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)
Contribution count and total for a politician from unknown industries.
unknown_industries(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Pol); cycle = nothing)
unknown_industries(entity_id::Union(String, Pol); auth = "", cycle = nothing)
Contribution totals by sector to a given politician. Sectors are codified by letter:
: AgribusinessB
: Communications/ElectronicsC
: ConstructionD
: DefenseE
: Energy/Natural ResourcesF
: Finance/Insurance/Real EstateH
: HealthK
: Lawyers and LobbyistsM
: TransportationN
: Misc. BusinessQ
: Ideology/Single IssueP
: LaborW
: OtherY
: UnknownZ
: Administrative Use
top_sectors(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Pol); limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)
top_sectors(entity_id::Union(String, Pol); auth = "", limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)
A breakdown of how much of the money raised by a politician came from inside or outside their home state.
local_breakdown(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Pol); cycle = nothing)
local_breakdown(entity_id::Union(String, Pol); auth = "", cycle = nothing)
A breakdown of how much of the money raised came from individuals versus organzations (PACs).
contributor_breakdown(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Pol); cycle = nothing)
contributor_breakdown(entity_id::Union(String, Pol); auth = "", cycle = nothing)
Latest figures from the FEC's summary report.
fec_summary(auth::String, entity_id::Pol)
fec_summary(entity_id::Pol; auth = "")
Top independent expenditures for and against a politician.
fec_independent_expenditures(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Pol))
fec_independent_expenditures(entity_id::Union(String, Pol); auth = "")
By contributions given, in dollars.
top_individuals(auth::String; limit = 16, cycle = nothing)
top_individuals(; auth = "", limit = 16, cycle = nothing)
Top organizations to which this individual has donated, by dollars given.
top_recipient_organizations(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Ind); limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)
top_recipient_organizations(entity_id::Union(String, Ind); auth = "", limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)
Politicians to whom the individual has given the most money.
top_recipient_politicians(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Ind); limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)
top_recipient_politicians(entity_id::Union(String, Ind); auth = "", limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)
Details on how much an individual gave to each party.
party_breakdown(auth::String, entity_id::Ind; cycle = nothing)
party_breakdown(entity_id::Ind; auth = "", cycle = nothing)
A list of the lobbying firms which employed an individual.
lobbying_registrants(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Ind); limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)
lobbying_registrants(entity_id::Union(String, Ind); auth = "", limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)
Clients an individual (lobbyist) was contracted to work for.
lobbying_clients(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Ind); limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)
lobbying_clients(entity_id::Union(String, Ind); auth = "", limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)
Issue areas a lobbyist worked on.
lobbying_issues(auth::String, entity_id::Ind; limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)
lobbying_issues(entity_id::Ind; auth = "", limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)
By contributions given, in dollars.
top_organizations(auth::String; limit = 16, cycle = nothing)
top_organizations(; auth = "", limit = 16, cycle = nothing)
Top recipients of money from this organization, by dollars received.
top_recipients(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Org); limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)
top_recipients(entity_id::Union(String, Org); auth = "", limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)
Top PACs receiving money from a given organization.
pac_recipients(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Org); limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)
pac_recipients(entity_id::Union(String, Org); auth = "", limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)
Portion of giving from an organization that went to each party.
party_breakdown(auth::String, entity_id::Org; cycle = nothing)
party_breakdown(entity_id::Org; auth = "", cycle = nothing)
Portion of giving from an organization that went state candidates versus federal candidates.
state_federal_breakdown(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Org); cycle = nothing)
state_federal_breakdown(entity_id::Union(String, Org); auth = "", cycle = nothing)
Lobbying firms hired by an organization.
lobbing_registrants(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Org); limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)
lobbing_registrants(entity_id::Union(String, Org); auth = "", limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)
Issue areas an organization has hired lobbyists for.
lobbying_issues(auth::String, entity_id::Org; limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)
lobbying_issues(entity_id::Org; auth = "", limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)
Bills an organization has lobbied on.
bills(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Org); limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)
bills(entity_id::Union(String, Org); auth = "", limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)
Lobbyists hired by an organization.
lobbyists(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Org); limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)
lobbyists(entity_id::Union(String, Org); auth = "", limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)
Top clients that hired an organization (lobbying firm).
registrant_clients(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Org); limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)
registrant_clients(entity_id::Union(String, Org); auth = "", limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)
Top issue areas an organization (lobbying firm) has lobbied on.
registrant_issues(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Org); limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)
registrant_issues(entity_id::Union(String, Org); auth = "", limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)
Top bills an organization (lobbying firm) has lobbied on.
registrant_bills(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Org); limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)
registrant_bills(entity_id::Union(String, Org); auth = "", limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)
Top lobbyists an organization (lobbying firm) employs, by registrations.
registrant_lobbyists(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Org); limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)
registrant_lobbyists(entity_id::Union(String, Org); auth = "", limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)
Regulatory dockets that most frequently mention an organization
mentions_in_regulations(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Org); limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)
mentions_in_regulations(entity_id::Union(String, Org); auth = "", limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)
Regulatory dockets with the most comment submissions from an organization.
regulatory_comment_submissions(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Org); limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)
regulatory_comment_submissions(entity_id::Union(String, Org); auth = "", limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)
Lists employees of an organization with memberships on federal advisory committees.
faca_memberships(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Org); limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)
faca_memberships(entity_id::Union(String, Org); auth = "", limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)
Latest figures for an organization from the FEC's summary report, current election cycle only.
fec_summary(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Org))
fec_summary(entity_id::Union(String, Org); auth = "")
By contributions given, in dollars.
top_industries(auth::String; limit = 16, cycle = nothing)
top_industries(; auth = "", limit = 16, cycle = nothing)
Top organizations in an industry by dollars contributed.
top_industry_organizations(auth::String, entity_id::String; limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)
top_industry_organizations(entity_id::String; auth = "", limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)
Many of methods in the Open States API accept similar arguments. To reduce redundancy, these are documented once, below. Not all methods accept all common parameters - be sure to check the function signature in the docs further down.
: Your Sunlight API key (get one here).state
: This variable always takes the two-letter state abbreviation, rather than a full state name.
Get list of all states with data available and basic metadata about their status.
Get general information about the given entity.
get_state_metadata(auth::String, state)
: The state to search for, a required value.
Search bills by (almost) any of their attributes, or full text. At least one of the filters must be specified.
bill_search(auth::String; state=nothing, chamber=nothing, bill_id=nothing, bill_id__in=nothing,
q=nothing, search_window=nothing, updated_since=nothing, sponsor_id=nothing,
subject=nothing, bill_type=nothing, sort=nothing, page=nothing, per_page=nothing)
: Only return bills from a given state.chamber
: Only return bills from a given chamber (e.g. lower).bill_id
: Only return bills with a given bill_id.bill_id__in
: Accepts a pipe delimited list of bill ids.q
: Only return bills matching the provided full text query.search_window
: Filter results to a given time, specified by one of the following options:"all"
(default if none specified, includes all sessions)"term"
(only bills from sessions within the current term)"session"
(only bills from the current session)"session:YYYY"
(only bills from the session in the specified year)"session:YYYY-YYYY"
(only bills from the session in the specified year range)
: Only bills updated since a provided date (provided in YYYY-MM-DD format).sponsor_id
: Only bills sponsored by a given legislator id (e.g. 'ILL000555').subject
: Only bills categorized by Open States as belonging to this subject.bill_type
: Only bills of a given type (e.g. 'bill', 'resolution', etc.)sort
: Sort-order of results, defaults to 'last', options are:"first"
: Page of results, each of size per_page (defaults to 1).per_page
: Number of results per page, is unlimited unless page is set, in which case it defaults to 50.
This method returns the full detail object for a bill. User can specify either the unique Open States ID for the bill (as open_states_id
), or must specify the three parameters of state
, bill_id
, and cycle
bill_detail(auth::String; open_states_id=nothing, state=nothing, bill_id=nothing, cycle = nothing)
: Unique Open States ID for a given bill.state
: State.bill_id
: Bill's ID within the state legislaturecycle
: YYYYYYYY (i.e. "20092010"), for the time range in which the bill was proposed).
Search legislators by their attributes. At least one named filter parameter must be provided.
legislator_search(auth::String; state=nothing, first_name=nothing, last_name=nothing, chamber=nothing,
active=nothing, term=nothing, district=nothing, party=nothing)
: Only return legislators from a given state.first_name
: Only return legislators with a given first name.last_name
: Only return legislators with a given last name.chamber
: Only return legislators from a given chamber (e.g. lower).active
(default) to only include current legislators,false
will include all legislators.term
: Only legislators that have a role in a certain term.district
: Only legislators that have represented the specified district.party
: Only legislators that have been associated with a specified party.
This method returns the full detail for a legislator.
legislator_detail(auth::String, leg_id)
: Return the legislator with the specified ID.
Lookup all legislators serving districts containing a given location, specified by latitude and longitude.
geo_lookup(auth::String; lat=nothing, long=nothing)
: Latitude contained in district.long
: Longitude contained in district.
Search committees by any of their attributes.
committee_search(auth::String; committee=nothing, subcommittee=nothing, chamber=nothing, state=nothing)
: Only return committees from a given state.chamber
: Only return committees from a given chamber (e.g. lower).committee
: Search by committee (i.e. "Finance and Revenue").subcommittee
: Search by subcommittee. Ifnull
, object represents the committee.
Get full detail for committee, including all members.
committee_detail(auth::String, committee_id)
: Return the committee with the specified ID.
Search events by state and type.
event_search(auth::String; state=nothing, event_type=nothing, format=nothing)
: Only return events from a given state.type
: Only return events with a given type. ('committee:meeting' for now)format
: Can be 'rss' or 'ics', or not specified.
Get full detail for event.
event_detail(auth::String, event_id)
: Return the event with the specified ID.
List districts for state (and optionally filtered by chamber).
district_search(auth::String; state=nothing, chamber=nothing)
: Return districts from a given state. Mandatory parameter.chamber
: Only return districts with a specified chamber. Optional parameter.
This method returns an full district object, including the boundary given a boundary_id
district_boundary_lookup(auth::String, boundary_id)
: Return the district with the specified boundary ID.